CP Candidate - Home Affairs

Day 1,501, 16:48 Published in Belgium Belgium by Nohjis

Good evening,

Tonight I will discuss some details about what’s to be expected on the domestic affairs. The next MoHA will consist of a broad team focusing on different areas of interior policy.

The first traditional area will concern immigration. As the recent past has proven, eBelgium like any other small nation is vulnerable to PTO attempts. It’s for that exact reason that immigration will continue to be closely monitored. I feel there’s no change needed in this area, currently good work is being put in.

The other traditional areas of the Home Affairs department concern new citizens and MoFUN. I’m glad to announce the new citizens information policy can be continued and that someone will be appointed to provide in games organized with government support. The executive branch of our country will make sure that certain voted laws such as the national lottery will be put into practice.

So what’s really new ? In short the Ministry of Home Affairs will be asked to prepare proposals for congress in the area of national solidarity programs. It’s my sincere belief that eBelgium is missing these programs essential for the development of our citizens. While our neighbours offer massive support for new and old citizens, we offer 10 daily Q5 food if new citizens join the right Military Unit. While Congress has the absolute power to make this happen, I would like the future government to help them by preparing proposals based on the available budget and similar programs existing in the rest of the eWorld.

While tensions remain in our community, I do believe these are inevitable and can be managed if everyone is working on achieving the growth our country needs. It’s ok to disagree on the deployed means, I do believe we can all agree on the objectives we wish to achieve. Some might claim eBelgium to be a failed state because it is not liberal enough to their liking, I wish to prove them wrong. It’s not that today I’m going to make all liberals out of our dear eBelgians, it’s rather that even with existing regulation good work can be delivered.

Best regards,