CoTWO War Update | end day 2020

Day 2,020, 17:30 Published in Switzerland Austria by Kaad

Hello everyone!

In this article, I will speak shortly about the CoTWO war, analysing current situation of every CoT country.

Belgium, Indonesia, Japan & South Korea

These countries remains not involved in NE. They are fightingfor mpp but their territory is no threaten for the moment.


Wipped by Greece, Bulgaria is waiting for a better context. Between Romania, Greece & Serbia, Bulgaria is alone, surround by enemies. However, Bulgaria still control Egypt and some Saudi Arabian regions.


They are in Trouble. They first lose their bonus regions from Australia and now are loosing argentinian regions. Chile has now difficulties to win it against Argentina without the help of CoT, centered on Russian battles.


Attacked by several country at the same time, Germany is having hard times. The country is not CoT top prio, and loosing territories in impressive battles. Since the UK has no more common borders, only Littuania is still at war, but winning day by day.


Greece still hold their regions. They still have some in middle east. Lots of Macedonians seems to have decide to leave the game because they feel insulted but this not at all the topic of the article. Please, no comment here about that.


They succeeded well to tear down the Romanian airstrike. But Columbia started a NE and has already won 3 territory.


THey were in a TW with Hungry when the war started. Hungry kept the agreement and showed all its respect. For now, Moldavia has recover all its regions.

New Zealand

TWO started a RW and fouht for NZ against Chile to cut Chilean Bonus from Australia.


They lost all their conquest regions of Bolivia and Argentina. So far, they are not anymore at war, but managing only a single region.


At war with Columbia, Peru seems to have no problem. THey lost one battle, but so far no region at all and they are ready to attack and help Mexico. Bolivia sent a NE to Peru but failed its attack and is on the way to been wipped again.


The have been wipped by Slovenia very quickly. Seems situation will stay the same as no discussion has started.


First loosing one by one their battle, they started first beating Serbia in a RW, and then won back the NE yesterday. They failed last RW, but they are taking profits of the Serbien problems: Serbia is involve in a NE with Croatia, Italia and France are trying to free and cut their ressources. Serbian priorities are defending Corse against RW of France. As a consequence, Croats and Italians are both leading their battles. Some other countries like Montenegro or BIH had also won some regions to Serbia, making life simple for americans.


Attacked by Lettonia and Hungry, Russia was CoT top prio. Russia lost Volga, but resit in Volga Vyatka before loosing in their attemp to win back Volga. Lettonia has already won 3 regions. Russia is the country that suffer the most with Germany & Switzerland.

CoT is in a very bad situation: 5/16 members could have no region in few days. However, there's good news from Peru, and maybe soon fro the US.

Thank you very much for reading,