Day 913, 20:11 Published in USA USA by Jude Connors">


Quick Biography
Military/Militia Service

Who is Jude Connors?

Jude Connors was born into the New World on August 3, 2009. He has served in multiple government positions, including USA Secretary of the Interior. He also previously served as a three-term Congressman for the USA. He believes in helping his fellow man. As a hippie and a democratic-socialist, Connors believes in the non-violent advancement of government assistance to its citizens. In return, men and women can devote time and energy to national service. Jude is also pro-sovereignty and stands against imperialism. Connors believes in the advancement of educational programs and expanded mentor-ship by the government to newly-born citizens. He also believes in job skill education advancement by government programs to any citizen seeking such education. Jude Connors believes in the advancement of all instead of just the privileged few.

What has Jude done?

Party President of United States Workers Party - February 15, 2010 – April 15, 2010

Secretary of the Interior of United States - December 5, 2009 – March 5, 2010

Co-Director of USA Welcoming Committee - November, 2009 – April 2010

USA Congressman (NM x 2, MN x 1) - September 15, 2009 – December 25, 2009

Congressional Domestic/Internal Committee Chairman of United States - November 25, 2009 – December 25, 2009

Congressional Government Oversight Committee Chairman of United States - October 25, 2009 – November 24, 2009

White House Director of Human Resources of United States - October, 2009 – November, 2009

Director of Public Relations of Socialist Freedom Party - September 7, 2009 – October, 2009

What does Jude Fight for?

People think hippies are all flowers and peace, but Jude Connors set the standard on the evolution of the New World Hippie. With the strength and fighting experience of a Field Marshall, Jude continues to fight against imperialism and does not take the side of neither EDEN nor Phoenix. In the past, Connors has been a member of both the United States Army and also the UK military when he lived in London. Jude Connors was an honorary member of SEAL Team 6 and is currently getting more involved with the newest militia, SWAT: Special Weapons And Tactics. Furthermore, Jude Connors was a member of the famed Bear Cavalry, rising to a leadership position as a Commander. After serving in the US Training Corp and the Reserves, Jude quickly rose the ranks in the US Army before resigning from the Army as a Lieutenant Colonel.

Is Jude A Leader?

Jude Connors is a proven leader with an extensive and amazing record. With the current state of in-fighting in both Congress and the administrative branches of government, Jude Connors can be the leader to grab the "bull" by the horns. Connors believes that many in government forget the reason they were elected into leadership... TO LEAD. Jude will work diligently to help restore the government into a mechanism of progress instead of the smoldering pile of crap it has become.

Who Endorses Jude Connors

Till next time...
Take A Sad Song...
And Make It Better...

Jude Connors
eRepublik's Favorite Hippie

Rima Fakih - Miss USA 2010