Congressional Elections

Day 1,009, 06:05 Published in Singapore Ireland by ChewChewShoe
So I herd I am #1 ranked in the congressional elections, pretty cool stuff..

Count this as my manifesto or something.

Anyhow, just wanted to inform you that yes, I am running, I am being serious about it and I kick ass..
There are some people that deserves it more than I do.

Those people would be:

1. Fruitcommando, God of the gods, the greatest man on the planet. He's running under the banner of the Fascist Advancement Party, vote for him!
2. Dan/naD Wilshire, P cool guy, great with economy n shits n giggles. He's also running under the banner of the Fascist Advancement Party, vote for him!
3. Whispering Elizabeth, SO MUCH GLORY, GLORY OVERWHELMING! She's running under the banner of the New Green Party, vote for her! SHE LIKES PUPPIES, DO IT FOR THE PUPPIES!

So my manifesto would be to get Fruit, Dan and Liz into congress.

Oh wai-... Don't vote for ANYONE from the Singapore National Unity Party, they're huge butts.
'Cept for Siti, she talks to people n stuff, seems p legitimate, idk fully though