Congress Speaks (SFPOM)

Day 3,519, 07:13 Published in USA USA by Jimmy Cincinnati

Editor's Note:
We, the Socialist freedom Party, invite the nation to read a few words from our congressional delegation. We'd like to engage the community more and help you get a better idea who are we.

Maxwell Hanz

~Jimmy Cincinnati~
How many terms have you served in congress?

~Maxwell Hanz~
This is my first term of hopefully many.

~Jimmy Cincinnati~
What was your fist political party?

~Maxwell Hanz~
I was originally in the USWP but it wasn't as connected and chatty as the SFP. With the SFP I can get on at any hour and expect to have a conversation with good people

~Jimmy Cincinnati~
What was your worst memory, from Erepublic.

~Maxwell Hanz~
My worst memory was a having a friend get perma-banned.

~Jimmy Cincinnati~
What was the most exciting moment in congress?

~Maxwell Hanz~
So far the most exciting moments are.
1.When I first became a congressmen
2.When I realized we were done with the Meta.

~Jimmy Cincinnati~
Do you have any long-term goals for congress? Can you tell us about them?

~Maxwell Hanz~
My long term goals are to increase our player base and to increase player connectivity.

Phil Harmony

~Jimmy Cincinnati~
How many terms have you served, in congress?

~Phil Harmony~
With this account? The medals say seven. The rumor is that I was congressman at least 10 more times, not only in America. I'm still far away from my friend Kravenn.

~Jimmy Cincinnati~
What or who inspired you to peruse the political module?

~Phil Harmony~
Phoenix Quinn inspired me to get politically involved. Those were different times, different settings. The breaking point was the idea of connecting with each other differently, bypassing state borders, bringing a completely new concept of game-play into existence. Socialism means fair chances for all. Therefor I despise our ruling oligarchy and their corruption of power, they only collect and give nothing in return.

~Jimmy Cincinnati~
What was your most exciting memory, from eRepublic.

~Phil Harmony~
How could I name only one?
There were so many... wipe of China, the dissolve of TWO, the wipes of the US, Hello Kitty, Florida fortress.
War creates the most activity. Should we feel good or bad about it - I don't know, but this module brings lots of excitement to the general player-base.
Ajay posting porn on the meta-forum was another highlight that comes to mind

~Jimmy Cincinnati~
What was the most exciting moment in congress?

~Phil Harmony~
The most exiting moment for every congressman is probably the first time you're elected. Finally you have the buttons at disposal. With it comes responsibility. Imagine: you can impeach the president with a click of a button. I think we should click these buttons more often, it's fun.
But what you are asking is probably this: the destruction (or should I say de-construction) of the most evil: pig disgusting meta-forum elitist cabal. I don't believe we are fully aware of the impact the joint departure of SFP & BSP from the meta-forum will have, regarding our political landscape. This road is wide open now! I encourage everyone of our members to participate actively.

~Jimmy Cincinnati~
Our delegation recently voted to stop using the meta-game for political matters. Can you give us a summary on how that's working?

~Phil Harmony~
I believe we are in a process of learning. We got our freedom back, the chains of meta-enslavement are broken. The game should come first, always; role-play is just an enhancement. We knew what was coming, because it was a process we've engaged in through collaboration (and friendship) with the Black Sheep Party. We have started this process together and wee will continue to work together. In politics, your ideals matter the most. Mine always were: freedom, democracy and solidarity. If your party reflects your ideals, then you're at the right place.


~Jimmy Cincinnati~
How many terms have you served in congress?

11 glorious terms for his glory, Saint Harambe.

~Jimmy Cincinnati~
What was your fist political party?

The Socialist Freedom Party, I never left. Great group of lads here.

~Jimmy Cincinnati~
What was the most exciting event you've witnessed, in Erepublic history.

Since I've been back in the game for about a year now, It would have to be the December Revolution caused by Chickensguys. Activity was at Extreme high.

~Jimmy Cincinnati~
What was the most exciting moment in congress?

TBH, it's not very exciting. I'd have to say when congress was talking about the wars with Indo and the U.K.

~Jimmy Cincinnati~
Do you have any long-term goals for congress? Can you tell us about them?

Since there's not much to do in Congress, I'm going to have to say no, I don't have any long term plans.


~Jimmy Cincinnati~
How many terms have you served in congress?

6 terms

~Jimmy Cincinnati~
What do you like most about congress?

Discussions and interaction.

~Jimmy Cincinnati~
What do you like the least about congress?

Decisions and how decisions are made.

~Jimmy Cincinnati~
What was the most exciting moment, since you've been playing eRepublic?

The moment Wooky Jack convinced me to come to SFP.

~Jimmy Cincinnati~
Do you have any advice that you would like to give the future leaders of the eUS?

Prevent the monopolization of power, which is unlikely to make someone in power, for obvious reasons!

Jimmy Cincinnati

~Maxwell Hanz~
How long have you been apart of eRep Jimmy?

~Jimmy Cincinnati~
Almost 6 years.

~Maxwell Hanz~
How many congressional terms have you served?

~Jimmy Cincinnati~
I've served 6 terms in Congress.

~Maxwell Hanz~
How many times have you served as PP and have you passed any laws, or lobbyed for anything?

~Jimmy Cincinnati~
I've served 7 terms as chairman.
I've been in a tiny minority for most of my eCareer. It's been tough to pass laws. Some of the stuff I lobbied for ended up being passed, but not when I proposed it.

~Maxwell Hanz~
What are the major problems eUsa faces currently?

~Jimmy Cincinnati~
Stagnation. We need to drain the swamp.

~Maxwell Hanz~
What would you like to see congress do in the future?

~Jimmy Cincinnati~
I'd like congress to do a better job of informing the people. We need the speaker of the house to publish a paper. We need straw polls. We need to create more excitement, for the eUS.

Editor's Note:
That's all we've got for this edition. We're still waiting on replies from Wooky Jack Shiloh13 and Bugbox.

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