Congress Progress Reports

Day 1,949, 06:54 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Department for Education
Parliament Progress Report

What-ho eUK!

At this beginning of this presidential term, Blue and Evil backed the Ideal Government project and appointed me (Good King Wold) as interim Prime Minister and Speaker. As such, I am writing this article chiefly to uphold what I see as a vital role of the speaker;

The Speaker exists primarily to hold people to account. They must be a ruthless individual who will not hesitate in naming and shaming those who do not pull their weight, and is key in generating that accountability which will rejuvenate Congress over time.

And to let you know what topics Congress have been doing in the half-term that I have resided over. As it took a week or so to organise ideal government and get the ball rolling, not much ‘legislative’ has gone on, though there have been three main discussion points within the house. Those have been the Irish issue, altering taxes and legislating the speaker, the latter two are nearing culmination. This article will also serve to put these two points in the public eye and offer a standpoint for a wider discussion prior to voting on the issues.

The issue on taxes is a simple one, working with the ‘Congressional Budgeteers’ (more on what that is later) we developed the idea of further lowering taxes and proposed it to the house. The proposal is a simple one; lower VAT to %1-4 and lower Income tax to %3. This is to give our own citizens a tax break whilst making our markets more desirable for foreign businessmen to trade in. It is a continuation of a plan to lower taxes that some Congress members feel needs to be taken further to make the eUK truly competitive. The counter proposal is that taxes be raised back to their previous levels. The argument can be minimised to simple maxim: tax more on less or tax less on more. This issue has been discussed at length and will go to vote shortly.

A more recent proposal, is that of the Speaker act, a basic set of procedures pertaining to the monthly election of the Speaker of the House of Commons following the Congressional elections on the 25th. He or she shall manage legislative affairs and track Congress’ progress. This bill is now under public and parliamentary scrutiny and can be seen in it’s current state either via gdoc here or on the forums here.

This too shall be put to vote before the next elections.

Activity Checks

As part of maintaining accountability in the Commons, as stated above I see fit to include unscrupulous checks and balances within the house. This is largely based on two things; members participation in the in-game general discussion threads and their performance in their allocated ideal government tasks. The tasks, and how I have managed the Commons, can be viewed in this gdoc and explains who has been doing what when it comes to domestic/Congressional work.

The first activity check was easy to pass; all you had to do was participate in any form in any discussion. The second activity check was based more around their allocated tasks and how readily Congressmen/women applied themselves to actually participating in Government. A slight hurdle was hit as many of the ministries were full, hopefully next month should CP candidates put their weight behind ideal government, Congress will have more domestics to manage themselves and ministers will also recruit from Congress, subverting this problem.

As this was the first month of Ideal Government I was not expecting wonders, though I am quite pleased with the results and hope that the idea is used in the future. The point of this accountability schemes to show party presidents and the public what their Congress members have been doing, and should be taken into consideration when running/voting for potential Congressmen/women on the 25th. As such, I have no qualms in naming and shaming the lazy people who saw fit to do nought. We need an active participatory Parliament and this is the primary means to get one.

As such, in no particular order, the list of those who failed the activity check is as follows:
Sir Winston S. Churchill
Mark Augersburgh

*this takes into Consideration the different types and demands of work of the various groups within the breakdown doc.

Thanks for reading,
Mr Woldy - interim Speaker/PM

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