Congress elections - November

Day 1,460, 02:41 Published in Belgium Belgium by Nohjis

Good evening,

The congress elections are coming closer, on the 25th we’ll be voting again !

This article is here to help give you some insight on what congress has realized this month and to get a better idea of why you should also vote for me next term ofcourse ! You will get you my overview of the different laws passed between the day I entered congress and today.

1. A training war with the dutch (Passed) - Yes
This gave the opportunity to many new players in our community to have a chance at completing a mission for which they need a natural enemy.

2. Supreme court revisions (Passed) - Yes
The supreme court is an organ in eBelgium that checks the validity of the actions of our congress. It’s where several disputes are settled by what is supposed to be a neutral council of 3 people. This law vised to create a more democratic function by limiting the terms of judges, amongst other things.

3. Granting Fhaemita Malodorous the Friends of Congress mask (Passed) - Yes
Fhaemita had decided to leave eBelgium for the eUSA, forfeiting all his rights. By granting him this mask on the forum, he’s still able to participate in all congressional activities and share his advice with our community.

4. Granting jamster737 (former CP) the Congress Advisor mask (Passed) - Yes
After leaving office, the former Country President who could as such not participate in the congress elections should be granted access to all congress matters.

5. A vote to elect the supreme court judges (Boklevski, MaryamQ, NLSP) - Boklevski, MaryamQ, Kylero
Due to the new law on the Supreme court, we elected the current supreme court judges. I consider the three candidates I chose to be the most neutral in justice matters. That is not to say that NLSP is less competent then Kylero in his knowledge of the law.

6. State budget law (Passed) - Yes
This proposition I worked on has remodelled the way the state’s budget is spent with a higher contribution to the Belgian Training Academy and a stimulation to use state reserves for citizen programs.

7. Granting aVegan the Friends of Congress mask (Rejected) - Abstain
aVegan, recently returned to eBelgium’s political life was denied this access as congress members estimated this was premature. I had abstained since it was impossible for me to judge someone I hadn’t even met.

8. Security Council act revision & National Security Act (Passed) - Yes
Considering we had a conflict in existing laws, Kylero pushed for a change of this law leaving a possibility for the country president and a council that contains a member of all parties with a sitting member in congress to make swift decisions in the interest of national security. In times of war, a structure where we need to wait at least 48 hours to make a decision may prove to be dangerous for our nation.

9. New “message to New citizens” (Passed) - Yes
We have modified this message on certain points to make it more informative for new citizens.

10. BAF supply vote (On hold for review by the Supreme Court (Majority in favor)) - Yes
This proposal vises to spend a large one-time budget to increase the supplies of the Belgian Armed Forces. I have brought this proposal to a vote at the request of those defending the BAF’s interests. While I didn’t agree with the timing and I do believe there could have been a better compromise I voted Yes because the idea is well-intended and in the long term, better for all citizens. Certain congress members opposing this law are using all means possible to prevent it from going into effect.

11. Mutual Protection Pact (eRepublic of Macedonia) - eRepublic of Macedonia now & eUSA to replace eArgentina in two weeks
After a heated debate which mainly concerns our neutrality in this ONE vs Terra&EDEN world war, the congress picked eRepublic of Macedonia over Spain.

12. Cabinet Rules and Regulations act revisions (Pending looks like it will pass) - No
The objective of this revision is to make it impossible for people of another eCountry to be a part of Cabinet (a rather frequent practice in smaller countries of our eWorld). I can’t be in favor of this kind of nationalism, as I believe that you can only go forward when you allow those with a different view on things to be a part of the decision making process.