
Day 1,833, 06:24 Published in South Africa South Africa by Badger06


Congratulations, you have just been elected as a congress member in your country. Visit the Country Administration area to use your congress member tools.

Way back in early 2011 when I was first voted into congress I was quite excited, having won a new award, being able to help the country and winning 5 Gold.

Back then we were constantly being invaded by Indonesia and most congress members donated their reward Gold back to the Country. This was to help with the war effort, over time SA has been safe, with the Brazil treaty and with no threat the donating of the gold from this award died away.

Well economically we are in crisis, I would like to set the example and propose to congress members to donate this Gold back to the country. Whether it be to help with PAP/MUST or just back into the country accounts to help where needed.

This month if all 36 congress members sent their Gold back that would be 180 GOLD extra to strengthen and grow the country.

I want to put my 5 Gold reward back into the country. If the Minister of Finance Al Kazar can comment and let us all know how this is best done it would be great.

For all those moaning that you should be rewarded as congress I leave you with this.

Forever your servant South Africa
