Congratulations, your citizenship application in Ireland has been accepted!

Day 1,283, 16:30 Published in Ireland Ireland by ChewChewShoe
Greetings, Irish.

I am ChewChewShoe, I just got here from the eUK (don't blame me ;_; ) and well my CS just got accepted an hour back or so.

Today I dealt over two million influence for Ireland. (550k in Canada vs. UK in NEE, 900k in Ireland vs UK in the NI RW and another 550k in Ireland vs UK in NI)
And as a celebration of my new citizenship, and my first campaign hero, I will be donating 500 IEP each to the first 10 Irish citizens commenting on this article below lvl 20, and 10 Q5 weapons to the first 5 Irish citizens commenting this article on top of the few thousands IEP, guns and the few gold I've already donated for the cause of Ireland. If all the money wont get donated, I'll donate it to the ICA.

All Hail Ireland!

So go on home, British soldiers, go on home. Have you got no bloody homes of your own? For eight hundred years we fought you without fear, and we'll fight you for eight hundred more!