Confederate - Portugal Peace Summary and Opinion

Day 647, 20:39 Published in USA Canada by Emperor Rick

Link to the treaty can be seen here -

1 A-B Determines the who

2 A-E and 3A-E Non Aggression between Portugal and the USA from day 647 to day 827 (6 Months) Portugal cedes all occupied territory back to the USA within 14 days, paid by the USA through invasion. Peace violations and penalty are also outlined here and section 5.

4 A-F The USA will pay Portugal 100 GOLD per month for a total of 500

5 A-G Violations and Penatly

6 A-D Agreement between parties and signatures

I have mixed feelings about this treaty.
We are still paying money to Portugal, however this beats the previous treaty which would have required us to pay all occupiers for per territory in order to liberate it. This treaty is with Portugal and not PEACE as a whole, thus knocks Portugal out of the war and grants us the ability to focus on Indonesia and Russia to liberate the rest. We are still forced to concede 500 gold but at a far lower cost then previously agreed to by Emerick, as we aren't conceding any home states like Alaska Hawaii and Florida.


I still would have preferred Canada and Spain to be included in this deal though.

In other news: The Floridian State of America has been renamed to the Confederate States of America by Emerick.