Concerning eScotland

Day 1,713, 19:53 Published in Ireland Ireland by The Irish William Wallace
ATTENTION (Please read before reading further below): This is a calling for all Scots & eScots to join together in serious discussion. This is apolitical, recognizing no current nationalities for all whom discuss will be recognized as eScotsmen/women. By participating you do not lose your current e-nationality, but do not bring your e-nation's affairs into the discussion. Do not bring in real-life into discussion, unless it has rational reasoning behind whether or not the discussed should be enacted or abandoned. Thank you.

This is the call for ALL citizens of eScotland(eUK) and proud eScots/RL Scots to come together to form a consensus on what we, as one united peoples, want for our e-country. It is time to set things straight and get an official stance on whether we would like a free independent eScotland or an eScotland under the eUK.

It will not accomplish in-game independence (maybe in 2014), but working together through cooperation and organization we can create a nation within a nation, while respecting the host nation's national politics. In this discussion I'd like to ask three things...

1) 'Free' under eIreland or 'stagnant' with eUK?
2) How could we organize a new government within in-game mechanics?
3) In what ways will it help or hurt the host nation?

Click HERE to participate in a quick survey! Thank you for your time and please SHOUT and VOTE this article so we can hear more voices!

And even if you are not eScottish/Scottish/fan of Braveheart, we'd still appreciate your opinion.

Due to GoogleDoc technical difficulties, we will ask for participants to PM me or Andrews the Nomad if they want to participate in the discussion.