Conceding defeat in Arizona election - UPDATED -

Day 552, 22:15 Published in USA Canada by Emperor Rick

Looks like I got sniped by the USWP, Arizona has made over 30 votes (100% increase from the previous election) However with this defeat I am not disappointed (don't get me wrong i wanted to win) but i have confidence in Kazeal that he will make the right choices as Arizona's next representative. He has my endorsement!

To the people who voted for me:Thank you so much! You've made me the 2nd highest voted candidate in Arizona history. That's not bad if I say so myself. I probably wont be running next month as i said in my presentation but I will come back someday for another try. With your help we can do it!

To the people who support me, but have not voted yet:
Thank you but DON'T VOTE FOR ME NOW!!!!! There is a political takeover attempt in Spain which needs to be stopped at all cost. Theres also a counter maneuver in Indonesia. I need you guys to contact our government for more information if you are available.




PEACE/Hungary have gained only 40% of Congress in Spain - a minority defeat.
The Atlantis Coalition (Matzanesia Party) have gained 50% of the Indonesian Congress -

This is a disastrous setback to PEACE and could give Romania the morale to make a strong comeback if they chose to act. The next few days will prove to be very interesting.

Political Map included of the USA has been updated.
Big wins for the USWP, now with 47% of the nation.