Come Rise with us

Day 1,919, 13:26 Published in South Africa Canada by Cody Caine

I'm trying to Recruit you
Are you a citizen of eSouth Africa, without a party, or just bored with your current party, well than you should join -Rise-. You ask why, well was that line not catchy enough for you?

Well here is what I can give you if you join, friendship, some possible really funny moments, and if enough people join a chance at Congress. With that I mean if we climb to 5th place, [AL Kazar and his party have had it too good for too long 😃] members of Rise can run for congress.

My Own Commitments
To be honest, I came back down to eSouth Africa on my last leg persay, so my drive may not be what it once was all the time, but I seem to be getting the fight back somewhat. So I may not be the most serious person, in my efforts in terms of a lot of the political red tape, but hey everything needs a little more fun involved, so look forward to that brand of my Revolutionary Nature. I aim to have fun, I aim for my time as PP for Rise to have fun, and accomplish things. Call it the Fun Revolution 😉

Back to Early Trends

It has been far too long since I did one of these pic moments, and for whatever reason this one is one of my faves lol.