Clopoyaur Cup 10 - 50 Euro prizes * Hearthstone for Erep adventurers

Day 3,976, 02:54 Published in Romania Romania by Clopoyaur
Welcome to:

The tournament will take place on 10th and 11th of October 2018, starting 19:00 CET (20:00 EET). The tournament will have two stages: swiss rounds and elimination stage. The tournament is invite-only and open exclusively to eRepublik players and loyal viewers of Clopoyaur TV.

In order to participate you need to have a valid Hearthstone account for Europe region.
Send a message in Erepublik to Clopoyaur telling your battletag. Add the following Battle tag in your friendlist: Clopoyaur#2887
You will receive a message with the code needed to enter the tourney. You will need to register to the site and join the tournament here:
You will have to declare your decks at registration, but don't worry you can change them as much as you want until the start of the tournament
One hour before the tournament starts (18:00 CET) there will be a check-in phase to make sure that you can partipate to the tournament.
There is a unlimited amount of places available, anyone checked-in will play at least 5 games (with 5 different opponents)

Every Player has to prepare three decks using three unique classes. The decks should contain Standard cards. You are not allowed to play other decks/cards than the ones registered on site.
Competition mode is Conquest. You won the match if you win two games in a best-of-three or three games in a best-of-five.
Every Player picks three decks, one of them being banned by the opponent at the start of the game. You have to win with both of the 2 remaining decks.
If you have won with a deck, that deck is "eliminated" and you have to win the remaining deck. If you've lost with a deck, you are allowed to switch, but you may play the same deck again aswell in the same match.
You have won a match if you manage to win with both remaining decks in a best-of-three or if you manage to win with all your three decks in a best-of-five series.
There will also be a ban phase. You can ban 1 of your opponent deck. That means, your oppponent will not be able to play that deck, while you will not be able to play the deck your opponent banned during the same match.
IMPORTANT: Decks are open and visible to everyone after the start of the competition

Group stage takes place on Wednesday, October 10th, starting 19:00 CET
The group stage is a a Swiss round system. There will be 4-5 rounds (depends of the number of registered players) of games, players being paired randomly but depending on their previous results. More details here: ( -
The players with the best 8 results (victories compared to losses) advance to the elimination stage.
In case 2 players have the same amount of victories the tie-breakers are:
*The round they lost the first game (the later, the better)
*Rounds their opponents won
*Individual games they won
All matches in this stage are played in the best-of-three format.
The best 8 players advance to the next stage.

Quarter finals, semifinals and the finals are taking place on Thursday, Ocotber 11th, starting 19:00 CET
All the matches from Thursday will be streamed fully one after another on Clopoyaur TV. The quarter finals and semifinals will be played in the best-of-three format.
The finals (Grand Final and Bronze Final) are playes in a best-of-five format.
Players cannot change their decks for the elimination stage. They use the same decks declared at the start of the tournament.

All the competition details are available at this page -
Decks declaring and result reporting is done by each player on the same page into their match section. To avoid problems, make a screenshot after each win.
For any issues, dont hesitate to contact clopoyaur on Discor😛 #hearthstone section.

1st place: Dungeon 3 (Steam game, worth 40$) - offered by Lordsrbin
2nd place: 2 Hearthstone Packs - offered by Clopoyaur
3rd place: 1 Hearthstone Pack - offered by Clopoyaur

4th place = 5000 cc
5-8th place = 3000 cc
Any victory in the competition (match, not battle) = 1000 cc

*The prize pool can be increased if more sponsors for the competition will appear.

*During the competition you wille arn double Clops and double Clopo$$$.

Clopoyaur, the organizer, will choose to stream and comment matches randomly depending on the interest of the competition on Wednesday, therefore you might be from time to time live on stream. There will be a 5 minutes delay between real time matches and streaming. You are solely responsible if other people from your friend list are watching you while you play in the competition.

If you are qualified for the quarter finals you will be required to provide a picture of you or a live cam trough Skype (if possible) for broadcasting purposes. The organizer aims for this tourney to be casted in a more Pro manner.
Also, you may be required to come for interviews after the mathces or even in the commenting booth after you are eliminated to comment matches together with Clopoyaur

Any problems in regards to scoring will be addressed by sending Clopoyaur a message in Discord. Please feel free to take screenshots of your wins in order to have proofs if your result is contested.

You can watch the competition LIVE on

Good luck,