Chewie's Vice Presidential Candidature

Day 924, 16:12 Published in Singapore Ireland by ChewChewShoe">

Chewie's Vice Presidential Candidature

For those of you who have read my previous rather un-serious articles, this one is completely serious and not a joke in any way.

As some of you may have read in this article Logan Dunleavy is running for president of eSingapore and has chosen me to be his Vice Presidential candidate.

I am not planning for this to be any long fancy article about everything, I'll let that part over to the actual Presidential candidates. I am just going to cover my polices that me and Logan has agreed about, write my thoughts and plans for the future of this nation.

Let's get down to business.
The situation in eSingapore has become worse lately and I for one do not approve of this.
I want to see a community where people are happy. Where there is no bigger troubles.
We need to be positive to change in our nation instead of rejecting it if we want our nation to prosper.
If we are to sustain this small one-region nation we need to work more together.
We need to work as a team. We together need to eliminate all threats of this nation and welcome new blood to our nation.

I have a quote from the song Denied by Sonic Syndicate that pretty much summons my thoughts about our nation as it is today.

"A situation like this, should never exist, Then why are we out of control?"

I believe that Logan Dunleavy is one of those persons who will change this nation.
Into something better. Me and Logan has had many good conversations and I fully trust him as presidential candidate for our nation.
He is the change we need. He does not base his politics on any real life politics, instead he is working for a better community.
He is always open to new ideas and has the personal power to see what is good for our country, and what is not.
He has been trusted his whole time living in this nation, and all of those who think of him as "Not experienced enough about our community" is simply just afraid of a change.
He is positive for our nation.

But what about me? Am I good for the nation? You'll simply have to figure out your personal opinion about that.
I have been playing this game for almost eight months, at least five of them being active.
I have been in Singapore for all of this time except for a few weeks exception.
During this time I have served many governmental purposes. I have for example been ambassador to a couple of nations, I have served in the armed forces and I still am, and I've also served as Minister of Immigration quite a few times.
I have always put our nations interests in front of my personal, except for a few personal exceptions that are not to be connected with the nation in any way.
I have for example personally funded 75 weapons for a military operation, and donated my personal money to the government for various intentions.
I personally believe that I am experienced enough for the position.

I would also like to address a personal apology to our friends in eSouth Africa.
I am sorry for my behaviour against your nation and hope to be able to help in working for better relations with your nation in the future.

Vice Presidential Candidature
Logan proposed me to be his Vice Presidential candidate a few weeks back and I accepted the offer.
Since then I have met some both some negative and positive thoughts about his proposal. Even though the positive is by far a majority. I have spent many hours planning with Logan Dunleavy and even if I may not deserve the position I will do my best for the country if elected.

Opposition in the elections
This month we have so far two other candidates running for president.
Those candidates are Atracurium and Ice_Freeze.
Both good friends of mine. And I think they both could do good for the country. I wish them best of luck in the elections and think that this election will be another close one.
Good luck, mates!

Over to policies!

What we will strive for and how.

Army Reforms
Me and Logan has planned a huge reform for our military forces and so I figured I might just write this in my manifesto.
The army reforms we're planned to implement would be first of removing the HG/TW system and exchange it into a three groups system.
First group would be the Regional Army. The defending forces. May be compared to today's HomeGuard.
Second group would be the Army. The people we send out to defend our allies and the interests of our nation.
The thirds group would be the Elite Regiment. The small group of very active and strong soldiers being sent out to various different conflicts around the eWorld to prove eSingapore's strength and our interests in this world.
We are also planning to start up a training corps to educate the newer and not as experienced players. We will set up a better recruiting program for both officers and troops. We are trying to get as many active officers as possible. We need to maximise the strength of our forces to serve our national interests.

Governmental Reforms
Me and Logan are planning to reform the basic layout of the governmental positions.
We are creating more important differences between "Ministries" and &quot😉epartments"
A ministry would be a governmental part that would be more or less controlled by the minister, deputy, president and vice president. Pretty much the usual for a governmental ministry.
However, the Departments will be consisting of one chairman and a couple of appointees.
In a department the chairman would be the one with the face out to the public. The head of the department who's in charge for the departments interest, whilst the appointees are taking care of the different aspects of the department.
We believe that in this way, a department will have more of the public's opinions rather than one persons reflecting more what the public of eSingapore think.
Here are some examples of which aspects of the government will be referred to as a department and what will be referred to as a ministry:
Department of Foreign Affairs - Clearly our relations with the world are to be reflected from what the people of our nation thinks instead of a few selected.
Department of National Security - The national security department should consist of people sharing their opinion on security issues.
Ministry of Defence - Defence of our nation is not to be affected by several people since their job is to secure our nation. In this instance we need the best there is within this area in the country to take care of the ministry.
Ministry of Immigration - Immigration is to be handled, just like defence, by a few experts in the area that together can see who are possible to contribute to our community and who are not.

Help for New Players
Clearly we need to set up more help programs for new players in eSingapore offering them education and the possibility to make a change in the eWorld in exchange for their dedication to eRepublik. Me and Logan are planning to set up a national education program that will write guides about the game and help new- and less experienced players to grow in eRepublik.
The education of players will help them make a change and improve our society.
We need more people into our government and new players is a key there.
We can no longer have a few people running the entire nation when these players grow inactive and less fond of the game.
Those in charge of the educational programs will be experienced players who know the game well and have enough time to dedicate into the game.
Never reject new blood in our game. That is what makes empires rise and crumble.

More Fun in the Community
We have plans on getting more fun into our community here in the nation.
A fun community is a key for a prosperous nation.
We are planning on setting up games on our national forum and also set up tournaments in various aspects.
We are welcoming to all proposals of increasing fun in our community.
Our proposed Chairman of the Department of National Happiness will be taking care of most of this department.
He and the others in his department will set up various fun activities in our community if elected.

Diplomatic Relations to the eWorld
As a small one region nation with not much power in the eWorld we need to increase our relations to other countries in the world.
The Department of Foreign Affairs will of course be in charge of keeping our current friends in the eWorld as well as make new friends.
Our diplomatic relations with eSouth Africa is on a all-time-low state at this moment and I hope to increase the relations with them and go back to being good friends with their nation.
Not only do we have to increase the relations with eSouth Africa, but also other nations.
Let's take Indonesia for example. The great superpower of South East Asia.
Better diplomatic relations with Indonesia could surely do our country good.
I have personally had talks with their Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ostin, about the subject, and he seems positive against my thought.
Better relations with all countries around the eWorld will do us good.
We are welcome to all friendly diplomatic relations.

That about covers it with my policies for this election for this time.

I stand endorsed by:
Logan Dunleavy
Hassan Pesaran
Mr Woldy
Jude Connors
Rainy Sunday
Thedark Ace
Flaco Jimenez
And more

Summary of My Goals:

§1 Reforming our Armed Forces
§2 Reforming our Government
§3 Help for New- and Less Experienced Players
§4 More Fun in our Community
§5 Increasing our Diplomatic Relations to the eWorld

If you agree with the ideas and statements in this article, please consider casting your vote for Logan Dunleavy in the presidential elections the fifth of June 2010.


This must be the longest and most important article I've ever written.
It was worth it though.


The song of this article:
Sonic Syndicate - Denied


Please Vote and Subscribe, and if you like, also leave a comment below.
Please also consider casting your vote for Logan Dunleavy in the upcoming presidential elections the fifth of June.

ChewChewShoe, General Director of The Crossover