Chewie's Congressional Manifesto

Day 916, 15:05 Published in Singapore Ireland by ChewChewShoe">

Chewie's Congressional Manifesto

I know this is a bit late for a manifesto, nor was it planned for me to release one, as it was planned for me to be a blocker. But when the news about the failed blocking reached me I figured I might as well write a manifesto and see how far I get on this.

So. Basic qualifications:
One time congressman.
Four times Minister of Immigration.
Two times Minister of Awesomeness.
One time Minister of Trolling.
Two times God of eSingapore.
Former XO of Homeguard Platoon Three.
Former Ambassador from eSingapore to eSweden
Former Ambassador from eSingapore to eUK
Former Ambassador from eSingapore to eAustria
Former Operation Coordinator of the Armed Forces.
Pretty Awesome Guy
Knows Woldy
Knows Jude Connors

Over to the little chitchat part.
So. What I want to accomplish by getting into congress is of course a better community here.
For both you and me. I want to see a community where people are happy.
Where there's no trouble. We need to start working more as a team to accomplish a satisfied eSingapore.
What we have now is good. But it can be much better. And I, for one, believe that we can change this country into something better.
One person can not do it by himself, but we can do it together.
People, we need to unite, for the strength and prosperity of our nation.

You may know that I'm not only running for congress, but also for Vice President. The President candidate I am supporting is Logan Dunleavy. I believe, that me and Logan together with the people can bring eSingapore into brighter times. If you are unsure about who to vote for in the Presidential Elections, consider casting your vote to not only Logan and me. But to eSingapore.
Be the change you want to be.

There's more to politics than talk, you need to point good too!

Let's Get Down to Policies:

Extinguishing Communism:
That's right folks. Communism has for too long been a burden for this nation. For our nation to rise to glory we need to stop the communists for pushing us down. Communism has for a long time now been halting the development of our nation, and I say it's time we strike back.
We can no longer tolerate this kind of thinking in our nation and I say we do something about it.
First off I say we put out nationalistic propaganda everywhere in our media. Spread the word about our nation's glory.
Second we need to stop the communists from doing the same. I say we make a Governmental Office of Fascistic and Nationalistic Propaganda that is funded entirely by the tax payers. The tasks of this office would be to write articles about the glory of our nation and spam the advertisement with fascistic and nationalistic ads. This would halt the growth of the communistic thinking.
Third I say we ban communism from our island. Communists are no longer to have access to our forums or our IRC.
And fourth. When communism in our nation is as most weak we need to strike at them. We need to assassinate every single communist in our nation. If we leave someone behind we are to scare them out of the country so that they never dare to come back.

Burn Commie flag, burn!

Snus to the People!
We all know how awesome snus is. And how good it tastes. And how chill it makes you.
And our people deserves the pleasure of snus. They deserve the awesomeness that automatically gets to you via snus and they deserve the coolness of snus.
I say we start a governmental Q5 Snus company in Singapore. This would be the first of it's kind and Singapore would dominate the world market.
We set up high paying jobs in the country and hire loads of people. This way our company would be able to export tons of snus every day and still be able to hand it out to our population for free.
How awesome wouldn't that be?
The people get good paying jobs, snus daily and our government would stack up on money that we could use to all kinds of stuff.
Perhaps getting our war games back? Or starting new ones?
Either way we do it, I am a hundred percent sure it will turn out awesome!

I could go for one of them right now, could you?

Appoint Fruitcommando Dictator of eSingapore
How cool wouldn't this be?
Now. Let's see. No communism + snus to the people + awesome dictator = Kick ass?
Yeah, obviously. What else could it mean?
So. Fruitcommando is obviously awesome and we all likes his style. He could totally manage this country and help it kicking ass.
He could totally keep communism out and keep our Q5 Snus Company going.
Snus would be produced in extreme amounts and our population would be happy for millenniums.
Fruitcommando has the skill it take to be dictator and enslave all of us and manage our Q5 Snus Company.
And since he would be dictator he would also need thousands of medals. So people, go make as many medals as possible. Our fair leader needs his medals to look good.
Believe me, all dictators do. Just take a look as Mussolini. Or Stalin perhaps.
Anyhow. Fruit = Dictator.

It simply looks awesome, doesn't it?

So people. Short about what we need to do to improve our country:

Extinguish Communism. We need to wipe communism out.
Give out free snus to our population. Our people deserves to be awesome.
Appoint Fruitcommando dictator of eSingapore


The song of this article:
Adept - Let's Celebrate, Gorgeous!


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ChewChewShoe, General Director of The Crossover