Checks and Balances: Does the Executive Branch have too much power?

Day 556, 16:10 Published in USA Canada by Emperor Rick

In IRL USA we have checks and balances between the Executive and Legislative branch in the US. This means that neither the President nor Congress has the authority to rule the nation with an iron fist without the others consent. In the eUS however, it seems Congress is only limited to passing tax laws and treaties which the President can completely ignore, since the only one making policies is Scrabman rather both... especially in the matters with military.

Yes the President is the Commander in Chief of the military. He has the authority to send the troops to any part of the world. However only Congress can declare war, and Congress can pass legislation to repeal the president's order at any time.

Less then a month ago eSweden, and ePoland invaded eGermany and effectively destroyed what was left of the Atlantis treaty. President Scrabman issued a declaration of neutrality and proposed legislation to make a peace treaty with eSweden. This treaty however was denied by Congress thus showing our non-neutral stance and resolve to Germany. In order to circumnavigate this though, Scrabman re-established war games with eIreland to take place parallel to every attack on eGermany by eSweden. He also ordered the military not to participate, and to be on the look out for anyone pro-German within in it. Even if their pro-German stance was expressed by their opinion they were chastised for their right to free speech. Despite the fact the nation is overwhelmingly pro German (which congress reflects).

When asked about this inside the military an Anonymous officer sai😛
"... There is a good reason why we don't answer to Congress, Congress in all their infinite collective retardation can not make a decision worth crap..." - Anonymous

In IRL terms "The Executive Branch is allowed to wage war at the direction of Congress (Congress makes the rules for the military)" according to the IRL constitution.

This worries me about the Command structure of the military and the President.
With the status quo the president can do absolutely anything he wants with his own personal military.



The US military was ordered from the top NOT to participate in the war or face expulsion from the military. Guess who DID participate... Scrabman, our President.