Day 809, 11:36 Published in Greece Croatia by Crocky

Hello again my dear readers,

Today's article is about changes that occurred in eRep timeline. Please notice that I have been playing this game for more than 500 days, so I had the chance to gather enough experience in this particular matter.

A very good friend of mine, more than 10 years ago at a philosophy lesson said to our teacher that the only thing that ever reached perfection is chaos. It took me many days to realize that his words were true and indeed "CHAOS IS PERFECT! "

But what has CHAOS to do with eRepublik?

Even I did not intend to criticize the latest problems with ER systems, I can't stop mention of them. It is very hard for me to understand that after so many days of developing things like we had to face in the last week are still happening and admins pretend that everything is ok.(I really hope not to get ban for this phrase - it is the only one linked to that matter).

Right now, eRep has 2 big alliances, EDEN and PHOENIX. On both sides there are many countries, some big, others smaller but the cores of both sides are balanced as damage and as number of players. Te difference between them is made only by the economies of their countries.

But let's get back to our CHAOS and speak a bit more about it. We call a chaotic movement, the motion of an object that obey no rule or that cannot be predicted under any circumstances. CHAOS is actually more than a movement, is something material, unorganized and mastered by a great confusion.

Is somehow this definition familiar to you? Have you ever met anything like this before?


In RL and ER,too. But in ER, the CHAOS has more power because things that hold it so powerful are always changing but never quitting. For instance, in the last year ATLANTIS became EDEN and PEACE, PHOENIX. EDEN became an oppressive alliance while Phoenix didn't change to much of its principles.

Countries like Russia and Romania had both moments when they wanted to isolate from their old allies for not receiving the desired attention. Both were right and their shouts fed even more the chaos in eRep. Countries like Belgium, Peru, Moldova, Japan, Bulgaria, Bolivia are being led by others and their actions don't tell anything in ER policy.

USA, just like in RL is fighting only for itself but is sucking out resources from worldwide. When UK will be destroyed, USA will have its well deserved rest and countries like Norway and Sweden will have to face great dangers. Hungary, that once was the engine of PEACE, now is gathering resources to attack Romania or Croatia but stays aside.

All actions are random and chaotic. There are no smooth actions with clear goals. Only attempts. Attempts that are fueling FAILURE. And of course chaos. All countries made decisions against their friends wills. Erepublik is so chaotic that no one can predict anything for more than few days.

Players that in RL are friends and brothers are cursing and swearing each other, being in opposite sides. But even so, after the beginning of everyday , they are watching the same porno movie with Lana and Napoleon in Lana's tent improvised cinema.

People that hate politics are presidents and congress members.
Pacifists are Field Marshals and MoD's. Nothing is logic in here.

But CHAOS is something we must play this game for. Why?

Because in RL, the whole world spends billions of dollars and euros, just to minimize chaos. And you know what. I would rather face chaos everyday in ER, and never meet him in the outside world.

In eRep I hate ehungarians since they TO, eNorway and I would pay my last golds to destroy them, but in RL I respect them. I have friends with hungarian citizenship and they told me that every country has only two kind of characters, GOOD and BAD. I knew that and I still can make difference between ER si RL, even after 500 days of eR. There are some that can not. They only improve CHAOS and make this game more beautiful.

Now, it is up to admins to keep ER playable.

Long live CHAOS in eREPUBLIK!

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