Changes in the Economy Module - Reflections

Day 1,023, 00:49 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Jhorlin


I've taken some time to consider the changes that the admins are making in the economy module - original article here.

It seems that the changes are aimed at making the game easier for some, but I suspect they may do their usual magic trick and trip over their own feet.

Single Work Skill

Firstly, the admins are eliminating the different work skills, and consolidating them into a single skill. This is interesting, since one of their selling points for eRepublik Rising (not V2, remember), was the diversity of work skills.

Moreover, this will on the face of it simplify matters for our General Managers. Managers will now simply select the skill level of the job offer, and the offered wage. It seems more simple for the worker too (enter PCP to trump this success of the proletariat), without having to worry about which skill to train or getting a job for their skill.

The problem is thus: these changes will cause another turmoil in the economy. Skill 5 wages will have to be broadly the same across the board, regardless of what is produced, which means that all industries will go through a difficult period of balancing once again. Following this, prices will have to adjust to reflect the new wages (which may be higher, or lower), and must also reflect the cost of the raw materials involved.

In the long term, this might help to stabilise things, which is a plus, but given the delicate equilibrium our economy seems to have finally reached, I wonder whether it is a good idea to stir the hornets nest again.

Rebalancing of Work Skill Levels

The tweaking of the production formulae may also seem a success to our Comerades. However, at a time when retention is becoming a difficult issue, I question whether watering down the advantages of remaining a player is a wise choice.

My other worry is in foreign powers. While the UK may see some advantage to producing more at lower skill levels, I suspect that it is the larger populations abroad, that may or may not be hostile to the UK, that will benefit from this production tweak.

It smiles to make me see that the admins are naïve enough to believe that an increase in productivity makes workers more profitable. Profit is dependent on all of the relevant costs, which will be shaken up by the changes.

Having said that, I've always been a keen supporter of the skill 0 worker, and these changes will force the hand of many General Managers to supporting them. My worry is that this will be at the expense of the older players, which worries me.

I think these changes will make some more difficult times ahead, however, with Margaret Thatcher (the good one) at the helm of the eUK finances, I'm confident we'll pull through.

Thanks for reading,

Amateur Economist