Cabinet and their duties

Day 1,783, 23:07 Published in South Africa South Africa by Badger06

Cabinet and their duties

CP - Luna Tic Moonfang
Work hard to ensure those working with me are doing what is best for this country

VP - Steven Bosch
Assist, attend meetings and offer his invaluable advice.

These players will advise, i have many as they are each different and have different views, they will help get a more rounded view on issues

1. Grimstone
2. Crumoet
3. Leewas (Krimpiekat)
4. StanEslah
5. Rexdeus
6. Tenshibo
7. Vanessa1309

Chief of Staff

Run eSAAF as well as assist our new MoD in getting a firm grasp of the military and discuss ways to fast track MUST as well as unifying our military.

Ministry of Security
Alfredo the Sauce
Dep - Mark Morcom

Ensure that the security of the country is upheld, from external and internal attacks. I expect them to be working closely with Rico and the rest of the immigration team.

Ministry of Immigration
Rico Suave
Dep - Gambit LeBeau

Process scan and thoroughly investigate all immigrant applications. Should they be unsure on any applicant, they will work with the MoS and keep us safe as well as ensure the entrance of good and possitive influences to our country.

Ministry of Finance
Al Kazar

Ensure that ministers request their budget by the allocated cut of time, analyse this budget and assist in the processing of the allocated funds.

Reserve Bank
Lazer Fazer

Ensure the safety of our monies as well as working with Al Kazar in helping to get requested funds out.

Leewas (Krimpiekat)

IRC management, behave or he'll kick you.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Nicholas Boyce
Americas Region (North and South) - Vanessa1309
Eastern Europe - Fhaemita Malodorus
Western Europe - Jimakos Thess
Australasia - Joseph Rich

This department is a lot bigger than usual. I would like them to work together with myself, the VP and our advisore to decide where we are going this month with our international affairs. They will also be expected that the ambassadors in their assigned regions are keeping up with their work. I would also like them to pick up as an ambassador in their main region. This will have to be well worked with the ambassador corps but i believe it will work a lot better split up into these regions.

Ministry of Domestic Affairs
Dep - Wacky

Ensure the health and growth of out community within by use of government organisations to aid our players young and old.

Ministry of Information
Claudio Kilgannon (NRL)
Dep - Hadez

Information requested by a citizen can be processed in this department. NRL and Had3z will ensure that all our citizens are kept up to date on the happenings in and around SA.

Ministry of Deffence
Allen Webster
Dep - Rexdeus

This department will work to restructure our military into a more productive and effective unit. If Miyagiyoda has time. They may contact him for his great advice and sponge of some of his experience.


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