Day 1,161, 04:23 Published in North Macedonia North Macedonia by Great White Ajkula

The bug will be reported to the admin, as I do believe that it is a bug.
This is the story:
I noticed that the player Gjore Bocvarov is fighting for Bulgaria (round 2, battle at Povardarie, Republic of Macedonia). Since Gjore is typical Macedonian name, and his flag was map of Macedonia, I thought that he made a mistake and fight for Bulgaria as citizen of Eastern Macedonia. However, when I find him I saw that he is in Serbia - therefore it is impossible to participate on Bulgarian side! The surprise was even bigger when in my the next log to the same fight Gjore was fighting on Macedonian side!
I consulted him, he says that he moved to Serbia yesterday, and he noticed himself that some of his damages are done for Bulgaria!

Admins - do something about this. It was odd in round one, when Macedonian Battle Hero had 5 times Bulgarian and lost, but this in not only odd but ABNORMAL!