BTA News !

Day 1,450, 14:41 Published in Belgium Belgium by Nohjis

Good evening,

First of all, I’ld like to start by thanking Jofroi for giving me and Bert & Ernie the leads of the Belgian Training Academy. Another thanks goes to congress and more specifically, the members of the Belgian Armed Forces that voted in favor, for this positive result on the new State budget law, this will effectively increase the BTA budget starting next Month while the BAF, will see theirs diminished. You can find the new budget details and the result of the vote here : With this, eBelgium is showing that it truly cares about providing a policy to help those who need it most, the new members in our society.

As the commander of the BTA I can inform you that starting tomorrow, we will slightly increase the food allowance to be able to recover not 50 but 60 health each day one of our members fights. Once we receive our new budget, including private donations, I hope we will be able to offer enough food to recover 100 health each day.


A Forum competition for eBelgian citizens will be opened to design the new Avatar of the BTA Commander.
- This contest will start on the eBelgian forum on day 1451 (this thursday).
- The contest prize amounts to 5 Gold, 50 Q5 Arms and 100 Q5 Food.
- A poll will be held with the different avatars that were created on day 1453 (this saturday).

On day 1454 (this sunday) in the afternoon, I will host a Q&A for BTA members on our national IRC channel. The exact timing will be announced this weekend in the BTA feed.

We invite all citizens to meet up with the other members of our society on and IRC Channel #eBrussels on the Rizon network.