Black Sheep for Congress

Day 2,803, 09:18 Published in USA USA by ResouIa

Congress elections are rolling around again and I'm here yet again to ask YOU to vote for my party, The Black Sheep Party. We've made great strides as a party recently, finally leaving the guillotine seat of the T5 and making it to the #3 party in all of eUSA.

We stand for what we have always stood for and shall be asking for your vote based on these ideals. We are FOR lower taxes, we are AGAINST the dictatorship. We do NOT enforce out ideology on our party members, we encourage everybody in our party and that we are running for congress to be themselves. We want what is best for the common citizen and we thank you for all of you who have supported us as we do our best to accomplish our goals, and we hope you will vote for us again.

We are running the following congress members

Bob Boudahili - 11 Time Congressman
Roper 70 - 16 Time Congressman
Henry William French - 21 Time Congressman
Elanaconda - 12 Time Congressman
jagdinstinkt - 13 Time Congressman
Arrden - 27 Time Congressman
eShades - 6 Time Congressman
jadiv - 7 Time Congressman
PMG-24 - 5 Time Congressman
Resoula - 10 Time Congressman
I am The Best23 - 4 Time Congressman

Thank you all for your time, please vote Black Sheep for congress on the 25th! And if you're a TBSP member that wants to make the ballot for Congress, especially if you're new, shoot me a PM or join us on IRC at #Blacksheep and I'd love to get you involved.