Beeman For Congress Feb. 2011

Day 1,184, 14:21 Published in Canada Canada by George Beeman


I am running for congress as an EPIC member in the Yukon. So I have written another short article for my presentation.

I plan to:

1. Activity, activity, activity, activity. I am a very active player, and I believe many of you know this. Activity is something that many congressmen don't have, as can be seen in Kilgore Trout's article here.

We need to stop this from happening to our dollar!!!!!!!

2. Take as much CAD off the market by upping taxes (sadly, yes, this must be done to fix us) and by supporting Addy's mortgage proposal.

3. NE Portugal and get grain. They hold 2 grain regions. And it would be an easy takeover.

4. The number of raw material offers on the market is insane. There are countless identical offers. We should put the import taxes back up again to protect eCanadian economical sovreignity. It would be very helpful to GMs as their products would sell much faster without having to wait for someone to have your offer come up first. It would also help fix the working GM problem, as we would have less products on the market, and so, it may help increase the value of CAD.

So why vote for me? Cause I am active, ready to learn and to teach also, and am taking on more and more responsabilities.
On Feb.25th, please vote for me. Vote for activity, vote for eCANADA!

George Beeman
eCan Forum Moderator
eCanadian Mentor
Former Ontario Congressman
Intern in Kronos_Q's cabinet
Chief Ambassador to Euroasia