Attention everyone! (even you there behind the screen picking your nose)

Day 1,301, 18:01 Published in Canada Israel by cyber ninja

Join LOVE today! We'll fit your needs! Giving 15-20 hits a day of food + weapons! And if you're the one pickin' your nose, I'll give you extra! All you must do is leave your current MU(If you have one) and apply for LOVE. There's only three features required to have your application accept. One, you must have over 500 strength. Two, you must be ranked Captain or higher. Three, you can't be an eCanadian criminal. Send in your app in the next 24 hours and we'll throw in 3 extra hits for the first three supplies! So join us, and we'll answer your app within 12 hours, unlike most other eCanadian MUs. Spread the LOVE today!!! 🙂