Arizona Update: Mid Week Report + INCi/War

Day 1,199, 12:02 Published in USA Canada by Emperor Rick

Mid Week Report #1

Military Proposals:

Law 68361
USA should buy a Defense System of quality 1 from Eugene Harlot Defense Systems company at the price of 80000.00 USD for Iowa?
-Vote Yes
The Fortress Strategy doesn't work anymore. The best defense strategy is to remain in the US for as long as possible. Assuming we're invaded from all sides Iowa and Kansas will be the last state to be attacked. Everyone needs to move out of California as soon as possible. If you need moving tickets please contact me ASAP.

Law 68372
Alliance with Australia
- Vote Yes

Law 68521
Alliance with China
- Vote Yes

Law 68677, 68681, 68687, 68806 & & &
Alliance with Canada & Japan & France & Romania
- Vote Yes

Law 68754
No Natural Enemy has been proposed
- This proposal confuses me, I did not vote

Financial Proposals:

Law 68544
2238 CNY from the country accounts to Congressional Budget Office?
- Vote Yes

Law 68622
90000 USD from the country accounts to Congressional Budget Office?
- Vote Yes

Law 68694
2704 FIM from the country accounts to Congressional Budget Office?
- Vote Yes

Law 68780
2181 BRL from the country accounts to Congressional Budget Office?
- Vote Yes

Raising Taxes
Congress is considering raising taxes, At first they wanted to raise the rate to pay for moving tickets for our citizens in California and Florida to relocate, I voted against this proposal because I believe personal finances should be used to fund this operation coordinated by local parties. The majority agreed and the proposal was defeated... Then Congress brought up a plan to raise taxes to 25% to fund our armed forces (this was similarly done the last time America was invaded). I will vote for this only if a clause is added that when the war is over taxes MUST be dropped to 20% (Pre WWIII levels), Some call for 23% (our current level), which is acceptable but I believe a lower level is necessary to help revitalize our own personal finances. Note: After WWIII Congress maintained its emergency tax rate months after the end of the war citing to refill its treasury even though peacetime taxes are enough to maintain a positive income. Let's not repeat that mistake a second time.

History: Greece had finally defeated Turkey around new years of 2010-11, In the resulting chaos iNCi galvanized itself as a diaspora group unhappy with the political situation in Turkey. They then sought refuge in foreign nations such as the UK and Australia. Unable to come to acceptable terms with either of those countries, iNCi eventually was able to come to an agreement with the USA, wherein many applied for and received citizenship in the USA and Mexico, which itself had just previously been conquered by the USA. By mid January it was decided between INCi and the US government that INCi would be allowed reside in the US to buy companies and contribute to our economic prosperity. However they were forbidden to get involved with our politics. They lied and formed the South Carolina Ulku Ocaklari Party...

On February 15, 2011 our government in attempt to appease and reconcile our difference allowed INCI to run two congressional candidates. This was later increased to 10 after INCi complained. On Election Day they ran 37 candidates, once again breaking our pact. Luckily our ATO efforts reduced their numbers to 14 as I mentioned in my last paper. Since then they have been giving out citizenship to even more Turks disregarding IES procedure. They also demand special treatment when it comes to funding their militia group which has not been resolved as of yet.

The question now is what do we do?

Unfortunately Congress is sharply divided, although the majority clearly understand INCi's belligerence and threat to national security the method of combat is in conflict. These schools of thought can be divided into two groups.

The group I belong to are those who want sharp action. Denounce INCi, ban their congressmen and members from the board, cut their funding, and fight them off for every election until they bend to our demands or leave the country. We understand it's a uphill battle but this is the honorable thing to do vs handing the country over without a fight.

The other group wants to further negotiate with INCi believing they can be controlled through persuasion rather brute force. They believe INCi will gain a majority regardless of what we do. It's only a matter of time... So to prepare for that day this group wants to appease INCi to remain on good terms. (IE: become servants to their new masters). They also fear that if we combat INCi they will move the "official congress board" to INCi headquarters were it will be in Turkish and not English (eliminating any influence from real Americans).

I heavily disagree with the appeasers...

We tried to start a motion that would later develop into full scale war with INCi, starting by banning INCi senators from the Private Congressional forums. Unfortunately the motion was defeated by a single vote...

(Blue voted in favor, Red against the proposal)
(Green are INCi that did not vote, Black are regular senators that did not vote)

With NWO's recent invasion of the US, we are now forced to negotiate with INCi.

If INCi wants’ to prove themselves loyal, and want to make amends for their past grievances, they MUST follow these three basic requirements

1) Follow US law and procedure (immigration, military orders, etc)
2) All INCi senators MUST be able to speak/comprehend English
3) INCi media must include an ENGLISH translation

As of now they refuse to do any of it. If they can't follow these three simple requirements, how are we going to accomplish anything else?