Arizona Update: Final Congressional Update

Day 1,216, 22:34 Published in USA Canada by Emperor Rick

This will be my last congressional update, I won't be running for reelection next month due to personal reasons and internal party issues that need to be focussed on. I don't know everyone who's running in Arizona but Stuart Shepard (USWP) recently contacted me and he seems like a kind gentlemen. I looked over his newspaper and account and it seems he's new (in eRepublik terms). However I have faith that his passion will guide him through his journey successfully. I wish him and his opponents the best of luck.

Economic Proposals
Law 69905
Change Tax: Lower Income Iron Tax
- Voted No INCi proposal

Law 69876 & 69898 & 70077 & &
99999 USD from the country accounts to Congressional Budget Office? X3
- Voted Yes

Law 69855
No Tax Change
- Voted No Athanaric quit

Law 69632
1700 IEP from the country accounts to Congressional Budget Office?
- Voted Yes

Law 70145
Trade Embargo with Hungary
- Voted Yes We should have an embargo with all of our enemies, but only the president can issue it.

Military Proposals
Law 69676
Alliance with Israel
- Voted Yes

Law 69671
Alliance with UK
- Voted Yes I was very cautious with this, since they betrayed us in the past.

Law 69664
Alliance with Philippines
- Voted Yes

Law 69984
Alliance with Russia
- Voted Yes

Law 69998
Natural Enemy with the UK
- Voted No There was plans for a region swap, but it was canceled.

Law 70118
Natural Enemy against Poland
- Voted Yes Time to liberate Mexico

Law 70119
Alliance with Portugal
- Voted Yes

Tax Debate: As I'm sure you've all noticed, the market has dramatically changed over the past few days due to admin changes. This is having a dire effect on our revenue. Since EVERYONE no longer needs to use the market to "reclaim" their produced goods, there is no need for 1% VAT. To compensate for the income tax revenue lost from company withdrawals, the VAT should be increased across the board to at least 5%, perhaps 8% or 10%. With this increase expect income taxes to drop. As CRoy has sai😛 The Romanians use a 5%/10% income/vat system these days. Serbia uses 8%/6%. Our 23%/1% system really only serves to help push massive amounts of USD towards the military, at a time when I believe that we're entering the dawn of the age of militias.

The matter was not voted on, we'll have to wait for the next Congress to finish the specifics.

INCi: We are negotiating with INCi again. Spearheaded by President Glove and the new INCi leader. INCi will have 5 sanctioned candidates, and the Turks agreed to run Fed approved blockers elsewhere across the country in their party. The situation looks much more promising then with the last administration, but only time will tell. We'll have to see how this upcoming election unfolds and whether or not INCi's congressmen will abide by Congress rules.

English as the Official Language? This is actually a two part question.
1) Should the US language be English and
2) Since congress can't enforce it why are we discussing this? There's been drama on the forums about Congress and what it can/should do. This is tied to the same debate months ago about Dioism in America. Ultimately its two sides RP'ng what they want, and accusing the other for doing the same shit. It's a lame debate honestly.