Announcements! Announcements! Announcements!

Day 1,527, 00:11 Published in Belgium USA by MaryamQ

“A terrible death to die, a terrible death to die, a terrible death, we’re talked to death, a terrible death to die.”

As we used to sing in camp, announcements are not always an enjoyable experience. However, today it is my pleasure to announce the following winners of the MaryamQ Press Awards:

For most articles in a single paper (3): 300 BEF to Cooke4444

For most votes for a single article (1324): 9.81 gold (agreed upon equivalent of the promised BEF) to shadowukcs

For most creative: 200 BEF to NLSP

For most helpful to other players: 200 BEF to Manekemann

Special mention goes to Manekemann and David Cnudde for starting their newspapers and publishing their first articles during this time period, as well as to Nohjis for an original poem in Dutch, nogex1 for an announcement of a free food giveaway, and Xgentis Lempereur for a presentation about his candidacy for Congress – which is far too uncommon a practice lately. Unfortunately, all of the last 3 were too short to qualify for awards, but they did make a valuable contribution to our media activity.

You may have noticed that there is one award I have not mentioned yet – the best overall. I have decided that you, the readers, should be my selection panel. Please send your choice to me by PM before the end of day 1531, and 500 BEF will be awarded to the writer of the article with the most supporters (only votes by noncontestants please). The candidates in alphabetical order are:

eBelgium r@nkings! 14/01/12
To Rik De Saedeleer
Sports in eRepublik? It’s possible!
Impressions: Mont Ventoux vs. l’Alpe d’Huez
[BCP] Running for Party President
David Cnudde
The start of a new Newspaper
Heroic Tennis game
Guide For Ditching Your Wife While Playing eRepublik
…How Fragile We Are
Erepublik economy analysis
Res Belgica
There is a time of coming and a time of going…
[Plato’s message New changes – nothing to worry about. Keep calm

In the interest of continuing to increase media activity in eBelgium, I intend to continue these awards on a monthly basis. All articles that meet the criteria, that is, written by a citizen or honorary citizen of eBelgium in English, Dutch or French and having a minimum of 100 words or 4 cartoon panels, will be eligible for next month’s awards. Keep writing, and good luck!

Oh, and by way of one final announcement: Today is election day for Congress. I am running for Res Belgica in Brussels after an absence due to my term as CP, please consider voting for me or for any qualified and committed candidate of your choice, but please do vote. Your voice is important in our eCountry!