And now for some light relief

Day 1,042, 10:06 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Jhorlin


Wearing one's political hat, looking at the list of past Prime Minister's of this country is gravely disappointing in terms of representation. The past five CPs have all been left-wing, and it's left this country strapped for cash. I am excited about a new candidate entering the arena, however, it is not a right wing candidate that has excited me.

Alas, it's the centrist GGRyan.

The reason I find this prospect so exciting, is because I think he will actually deliver something useful to this country, not only for the right-wing parties, but also for the left. I foresee the purpose of the RFA being fulfilled in it's original role: a Spectrum of support.

This is a step in the right direction for the eUK. Jamesw's recent discussion of tax rises for the individual on the forums is indicative of the financial mess that the changes to V2 in the hands of left-wing CP's has got us into. That is not to blame individuals or policies, but it's about time that in our representative society that the status quo changed - and I'm very pleased that somebody so qualified has stepped in to stop the monopoly of the institution of CP.

GGRyan is well respected across the board - within the higher echelons of government, as demonstrated by his dual role this month of Deputy PM as well as a government Minister. As well as highlighting the respect shown to him, this also demonstrates his high levels of ability and activity - truly crucial qualities in a CP.

I can only offer my condolences to Maddog Jones, who wanted this month to be his turn! Perhaps in the future Maddog! All I can say is good luck to GGRyan, and I look forward to seeing great things.

I wonder if Baroness Margaret Thatcher will run again...
