An Mór Márta ar Aghaidh

Day 1,635, 21:02 Published in Ireland Ireland by The Irish William Wallace

The time has come my great loyal comrades of the Independent Labour Party. That's right, our's; Not mine or Winston's or whoever wins the next PP election. To whomever wins I give my service too, as a fellow comrade, but if I win than I promise you a new glorious age of the Left!

1. Raise membership up to 115
2. Elect a Country President.
3. Elect ALL congress candidates into office.

1. Improve in-game communication and IRC usage.
2. Score a better vote/candidate ratio.
3. Redesign our party's visual image.

Democratization of the Party
A project to provide more political say in the party to each and every member, no matter what level or experience. Not only to provide political say, but political power as well. The Democratization Project will take place on the forums and manifest itself in-game after its fundamentals roles are agreed upon by a General Assembly. The General Assembly will be held for three full days, open discussion for any ILP member, and then agree on policy. If not all agree, then compromise.

Vote MikeBane for the Independent Labour Party PP elections!

Sincerely Eire's,
Comrade Bane