America Tops Indonesia, Population Booming

Day 264, 16:35 Published in USA USA by Desertfalcon
The United States now ranks third in population

Lincoln, Nebraska- The population in the United States continues its trend as today the United States has surpassed Indonesia and became the third most populated country in Erepublik. Nearing in on 2,700 people the United States has gained about 1,100 new citizens this month making them the fastest growing nation and putting them on the track to double the population they had a t the start of the month by Thursday.

The growing trend started a few days after day 250 when people got massive amounts of invites to spend. This increased the population of every country but the U.S. seems to be reaping the greatest benefit as they are averaging 120-150 new citizens each day while others like Indonesia are averaging 50-60. The reason for the boom is most likely because of the fact that the game did not gain much attention in the U.S. until a few months after it launched its beta. It took awhile for the game to reach English message boards and when it did it was usually sites like 4chan who decided to start Pakistan instead of moving to the Unites States, now Erepublik is starting to reach more and more English message boards. When people give out invites on English speaking message boards the odds are pretty good that they will find an American. Canada has also seen a large population boom percentage wise but their population is still well below other nations.

Due to the fact that when people join they get two new invites it is hard to predict an end to this sudden boom since a snowball effect should develop with the newer people getting more invites but if this trend continues throughout the month then by September 1st they will have over 4,000 people. The downside to this is that the newer people are unskilled and can not really contribute much to the economy or military, in fact the United States has the second lowest average strength of soldiers next to the Czech Republic. Although al ot of them will train over time their impact will not be felt for a couple of weeks.

There have been rumors of multis being created for the party elections being the reason for the population boom but we have not really seen anything so far in the election that looks like the work of multis and it is unlikely that they will make multis for the local elections so if the trend continues over the next few days we should be able to debunk that theory.

How long will this boom last? We will have to wait and see.

BTW Part four was released awhile ago but due to all these new people posting one sentence articles not many people saw it. If you want to read it you can see it [a url=]here.[/a] I plan on releasing part five Tuesday, Part six on Friday and the finale part seven on Monday of next week. I will continue to write these as time progresses on but I need to catch up to the present first.