America BETRAYS Itself & Allies

Day 1,558, 23:55 Published in USA USA by General Cartman Lee

Before I get all serious on you, I would like to share a clip from a totally real eUSA Presidential debate. Hope you enjoy it. 🙂

Now, on to serious business. Just when you think the eUSA cannot sink any lower, it surprises you and does JUST that. What has occurred recently is not just a betrayal of me, not just a betrayal of the NCP, not just a betrayal of America, but a betrayal of some of America's most valued friends and allies. I want to thank Ahmed AE for generously offering to start this new party which I encourage you all to join since the NCP was sadly turned red. After consulting with numerous members, Freedom Alliance seems to be the most popular proposed name. This name signifies that we will stand together as Americans from every possible backround in defense of liberty and in defiance of tyranny. Let us get it right this time. Let us bring America back to its values of tolerance and liberty, not hatred and tyranny.
Please join our new party at this link if you have not already:

Some of you are confused, deeply offended, and perplexed at recent events. Over the past several months a very disturbed individual was planted with the goal of gaining my trust and infiltrating our party. This individual also pretended to be a real life US Army Major and to have served three tours of duty in Iraq, something which is a felony in the real life United States. All this was done to try and destroy our party. They have failed, and they will only strengthen our resolve to do better and to prevail in the end. Pfeiffer and INCI will see justice and that day of reckoning is coming. However, this despicable name change has been done to try to fracture our party, so it seems the general consensus is we should regroup and rebuild.

I also want to make light of a very sad and disturbing fact in American politics today. Do not be fooled by lies like the promise of "unity" that Oblige falsely claims as the motto of his Presidency. There has been everything BUT unity during his tenure. We have seen many native born Americans persecuted for their beliefs and affiliation, and perhaps even more disturbing, we have seen countless American allies blocked out of running for Congress today. Their crime? Being a member of our party and being my friend. It sure is funny, that me, the supposed sinister ONE agent bent on destroying America seems to have so many friends from EDEN nation which are also a PTO threat.

Isn't it convenient that only those who are affiliated with the elites and who support the unholy alliance with the Turks are the ones who are "safe", but everyone else is a threat? Some of the "threats" that were blocked from running for congress today included a former two-term Bosnian CP, and the former commander of the entire Italian Army, among many others who have held prominent positions in Croatia, Bosnia, Italy, Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Greece, and others. If this is the way America treats its foreign ALLIES who have immigrated to become Americans and to contribute to our nation, then this nation should be ASHAMED of itself. This is a disgrace and this is not remotely representative of what Americans are supposed to be like. I am ready and willing to fight. We will not back down. We will not surrender. We will continue with even stronger resolve. It's time to stand up for America. It's time to stand up for its friends. It's time to take our country back!

General Cartman Lee
American Patriot
Freedom Alliance
General of the Armies ******
American-Eagle Division
EDEN-TERRA Unified Command

Also, for the record, these supposed "evil" Serbs are Saints compared to the American elites who we are expected to believe are the good guys with our best interests at heart. I have never seen players of ANY nationality conduct themselves in the despicable manner that some with power in this country do. The founding fathers would be ashamed to see our once great country produce citizens of such a lowly caliber.