Admins no podreis silenciarnos por la fuerza by Shekish

Day 1,069, 13:09 Published in Spain Spain by Shekish
EDIT 3: Los admin han borrado mis articulos anteriores, que habian llegado al top español en 3 horas, sin ningun tipo de aviso ni nada, ni siquiera los chocopuntos. Ni me han puesto el porque (normalmente adjunto a unos chocopuntos) de que me hayan borrado el articulo, asi que ''supongo'' que ha sido un ''error'' de esos admins tan ''neutrales'' y ''inteligentes''.

Insto a todo ciudadano a que publique una copia de mi articulo reemplazando en el titulo Shekish por vuestro nombre. A Ver si asi son capaces de comprender que juego queremos en verdad.

Y lo que no queremos. Al igual que, como buen catalan, disfruto con la frase MORI EL BORBO (muera el rey), os digo, de todo corazon.

Democracia y libertad!!!!!!!

English: If you feel admin isnt doing his work well, go here:

Copy ALL this doc and create an article and paste it into. IT should be title😛 Admins no podran silenciarnos por la fuerza by [Insert name here]


TO ADMIN: Si eres tan valiente de borrarme los articulos, porque no das la cara y me dices el motivo?/ Show yourself and dare to talk with me about the deletion of the previous articles. I would like to know the reason

Comes from/Viene de:


Ya esta aqui, Con todos vosotros, el post que fue baneado en eGrecia que trata de los hacker turcos. NO NOS HARAN CALLAR CON SUS BANS!

He is the creator of it, so if you want to give him money for charities or whatever else, here is his link:
To admin: Im doing it by myself, so if you want to send him FP, sent them to me instead. You cant shut our words with bans!!

Thanks smee again

I have come to the realization that there are two types of players in eRepublik.

1. The type of player who plays fair and is on equal footing with everybody else.
2. The hackers that do anything they want and destroy the game.

I’m going to present to you some evidence, I can’t present it all because I do not have access to the eRepublik internal databases, and other evidence I’m not prepared to present at this time. However, in it’s entirety you will see that eRepublik has been subjected to a massive hack which incorporates multiarmies, hacked market offers, hacked company stocks, hacked citizenships and basically everything else.

We all know that eRepublik has been hacked several times in the past.

We have seen Phaniseq, the one day old player that had 25,000 XP. We know XP can be hacked.

Click here for larger.

We have seen the companies with 10,000 Q5 helicopters and 10,000 Q5 tanks stock get banned because they were hacked and stock was made and put into them. You all remember in v2 the companies that were putting out Q5 weapons and Q5 houses for 10% of actual market price? Some of the org’s were MysteriousTr2 and Turquality Companies Group. Notice these are eTurkish organizations. We know that companies can be hacked.

We have all seen the OddajcieKrzyzaMjastu family which has 5,254 multi members (all banned). We know that it’s possible for hackers to have programs running to just create a limitless amount of multis.

Click here for larger.

eRepublik has had in the past a huge problem with Turkish hackers, and at one point eRepublik banned all of Turkey because of all the hackers. There was even an old eRepublik Insider about this.

So now that I have established that the game has been previously hacked multiple times in the past, and that Turkey in a whole has had made such massive hack attempts that they have been banned ENTIRELY in the past, I would like to state the following.

In the past couple of days, I have noticed a number of peculiar things and many coincidences relating to eTurkish companies and/or citizens. I will go through a couple of things one by one. First, how the marketplace has been hacked, second how company stock has been hacked, third how multiarmies and zombiearmies have been created, fourth how the citizenship module has been hacked and fifth how the war module is “bugged”.


First, we all know how a trade embargo works. If you have a company in eTurkey with a license to eSpain, and there is an embargo between the two countries you can not sell your goods. Very simple.

Okay, now let’s say I have a company in eTurkey and I have licenses for ePoland, eSpain and eGreece. But wait, we have a country trading embargo against these countries, I shouldn’t be able to sell there right? No you won’t be able to sell there, unless of course your company is eTurkish!

Notice, this eTurkish company, even though there are country embargos, it has offers in those countries.

Click here for larger.

Click here for larger.

Is this a coincidence?

eTurkey’s embargo list is here and the company is here..
This company is owned by stankovic alexa.

A couple days ago, a ticket was submitted against another player, teknik562 because his company was offering two offers in the same market. Anybody that owns a company knows that you can only have one offer per country. He was selling grain in eTurkey for 0.08TRY and he was selling grain in eTurkey again for 0.05TRY.

Click here for larger.

Of course, the ticket remains unanswered, however at the time of the ticket, he had the companies under his own profile and not under an organization but the very next day after the ticket, the companies were gone and placed in an organization.

Is this a coincidence?

P.S. I see teknik562 is an “eRepublik Ambassador”. Congratulations.


Now, onto multicompanies. A multi company is when a person creates a bunch of multi’s and sticks them all in the same company.

In the dying days of eTurkey I noticed a lot of small new born “players” enter, work and then fight for eTurkey.

For instance, setter00, bouqute, olivia38, galactica303, walter88, etc and so on for endless amounts.

eTurkey at the time had a food shortage problem, as we all know, with the new war module, you can never ever have enough food. I had noticed that one company in particular, Mikro Q1 ekmek, had filled up only with multis. This company wasn’t working before – and the only employees it hired had been multis who were all banned after one day of work.

Now, if the person running this company had nothing to do with the multis, he would have fired them all and hired regular people and not have left the company full of permanently banned multis for over 1 week.

A ticket was made stating this as a multi company. Of course, the ticket remains unanswered, but the very next day after the ticket, the multis were all gone from the companies after having been in there doing nothing for over a week.

Is this a coincidence?


Having seen the OddajcieKrzyzaMjastu family nobody can deny that you can create massive amounts of multis/zombies using a program. Keeping that in mind, people claim there is a “huge babyboom” in eTurkey.

This is a lie. eTurkey doesn’t have a huge babyboom, it has a huge multiboom.

Now I want to show you a graph of new citizens registered for eGreece and new citizens for eTurkey.


Click here for larger.


Click here for larger.

I want you to notice that selection I have made at 10/19/2010 4:00.

Your telling me that they are getting thousands upon thousands of new citizens, except for about 15 hours one day, and that this is normal? From approximately 8PM to 11AM the next day there was no new citizens!

Is this a coincidence?

Here is a graph from another site which shows the exact same dip in new user registrations for this timeframe for eTurkey.

Click here for larger.

How can this be possible? Well to me it seems like the person running the script for creating multis shutdown for the evening at 8pm and didn’t start it up again until the next morning at 11am.

Now I want to show you some graphs of “online users”. I will show you eRomania, eGreece and eTurkey. These are all in the same timezones and their should be a basic correlation between the three graphs depicting statistical usage patterns.


Click here for larger..

For the graph of eRomania notice how the usage tends to be symmetrical between days with peak usage hours and low usage hours. The graph is a basic wave pattern.


Click here for larger.

For the graph of eGreece notice how the usage tends to be almost identical to eRomanian usage. Peak hours followed by low usage hours. With the exception of the spike on day 19-20 due to a “baby(multi)boom” it is identical.


Click here for larger.

For the graph of eTurkey notice how it is not similar at all to the eRomanian or eGreek usage graph. From midday October 19th, 2010 until the morning of October 22nd, the number of online users in eTurkey just keeps growing and growing and growing. There was more users online at 3am then their were at 2am and more users online at 4am then there were at 3am and so forth…. And this wasn’t even the weekend!

Is this a babyboom, or just a script that was just running and running and running and creating multis?

eTurkish new citizen registrations and online usage habits are just another coincidence right?


I’m not gonna go into this in great detail, because I will be stuck here until 2027. But here is just a small taste of what is really going on.

The deccal family.


We have noticed that eTurkish companies keep putting out food at 0.00 in eGreece, eTurkey, eRussia and many countries. They would put them at 0.00 and grab them so they don’t have to pay tax. eGreeks would always manage to grab some free food and always wondered why they would put them out at 0.00 and not at a regular price, they would only lose some VAT tax, and by putting them at 0.00 they were losing a ton of food to us for free!

I for instance once grabbed 100 Q4 food in under 1 minute for 0.00GRD.

It didn’t make sense.

The eTurk’s created an organization called Cyprus Turk Bank, and being a real life Cypriot and now an eCypriot I kept a tab on this to see how much money they were collecting. One day I noticed they put in a Q4 food company with over 4,000 stock (and no employees). I was quite surprised, because the bank itself had only managed to get around 40 gold, and eTurkey didn’t have much money to buy a Q4 company with 4,000 stock which would easily cost over 350gold.

Also this company was in eTurkey, and after a few days of fighting with eGreece I knew they didn’t have food left in their reserves, so where did they find a Q4 company with 4000+ food in it all of a sudden?

Anyways, I was keeping tabs on this company because it was in the “Cyprus Turk Bank” and everyday it would have less and less stock because they would be taking more and more food out at 0.00. One day, a couple days ago, right before eTurkey was wiped off the map, it had under 100 food left. I’m like “okay, they are finished”. The next day when I login I do my usual rounds and check, and again let me remind you without employees, it went from under 100 food to over 5400 Q4 food in one day!

A ticket was submitted and of course, the ticket remains unanswered, but the very next day after the ticket, the company’s name was changed and it was moved to another organization owned by the same user in an attempt to hide it.

Is this a coincidence?

This is the company, previously known as “Ortim Q4 Ekmekci”, now known as Ekmekci, owned by the player Steoks, the former president of eTurkey.

Now, we have noticed this with many many many other companies and have seen it happen right before our eyes, where one minute it has no stock and the next it has thousands of high Q bread. I have not seen it done with weapons or anything else yet, but I certainly wouldn’t doubt it.


Yesterday it was brought to our attention that a certain well known eTurkish player had eGreek Citizenship. Nobody had given him citizenship and we all know him as he is a three time ex president of eTurkey.

A player sent him a message asking him exactly how he got citizenship. Today we notice he has eTurkish citizenship again.
That player is stankovic alexa. Note, this is the same player who owns the company I mentioned above that is selling in countries that they have an embargo with.

The citizenship module has apparently been hacked.

Or is this just another coincidence?


As you might already know, a couple days ago, there was a RW in eGreece which eGreek forces couldn’t fight in. This lasted over 3 Rounds.

A single fight from the resistance side would win the battle for them.

I have been in eRepublik for almost a year now and I have heard of battles that don’t start, battles that don’t end, illegally started battles and etc, but I don’t think I have ever heard of battles one side can’t fight in.

Let’s just say this is another coincidence.

Now this aside, I have noticed that in the WARS list, it never, ever lists all the battles eGreece has. I will give you a selection of pictures below where it will show clearly the time and date, the battles that it shows open, and “hidden secret” battles that do not appear in the wars list.


Click here for larger.

This picture shows there is only one open eGreek battle on October 20th, 22:44.

Click here for larger.

This image shows that open eGreek battle on October 20th, 22:44 is “Marmara”.

Click here for larger.

This image shows that on October 20th, 22:44 there is also another battle “Mediterranean Coast”.


Click here for larger.

This picture shows that there is no open eGreek battle on October 21st, 08:52

Click here for larger.

This picture shows that there is on October 21st, 08:52, there is an open eGreek battle that is in the second round.


Click here for larger.

This picture shows that on October 21st, 16:46 there are only two open battles for eGreece, Black Sea Coast and Southeastern Anatolia.

Click here for larger.

This picture shows that on October 21st, 16:46 there is a third hidden battle for eGreece, Central Anatolia.


Click here for larger.

This picture shows that on October 22nd, 15:42 there are no open battles for eGreece.

Click here for larger.

This picture shows that on October 22nd, 15:42 there is an open battles for eGreece, Black Sea Coast.

Are these all just more coincidences?

I don’t believe in coincidences, and based on everything you’ve seen above, I don’t think you do either anymore.

I know I must likely will get a message saying "Only the eRepublik team has the necessary tools to determine if a citizen or group has made a violation".

But this is not true.

Everybody has the tools necessary to determine if a citizen or group has made violation but only the “eRepublik team” can do something about.

So go do something about it.


Ahi esta toda la informacion de manos de nuestros amigos griegos. Echemosles una mano, pues todos sabemos que mano dura contra los hack es la unica manera de evitar que arruinen el ya bastante destrozado eMundo.

EDIT: Los admin, en un acto de ilogico partidismo han decidido borrar el articulo griego. Puede que pronto vayan a por este.

En el articulo griego se detallaban todos los hack utilizados por los eTurcos, como la creacion de stock de la NADA y el poder ignorar embargos, entre otros. Los griegos, despues de batallar durante horas contra un ejercito turco misteriosamente imparable, descubren un exploit utilizado por los turcos que les permite crear objetos. A ello se une una batalla abierta por turquia a la cual solo se puede acceder desde esta misma, impidiendo a los griegos la defensa de su amado pais. Como ya paso con las ''obra35578175815'', las multicuentas polacas, turquia ha iniciado un multiboom, descubierto por los griegos al verificar que durante un par de horas el crecimiento de cuentas turcas pasó de 160/h a CERO. Ni una sola cuenta creada durante esas dos horas, frente a las 20-60/h de rumania (dato normal)

Votad tanto este como el articulo griego para que los admin tengan constancia de unos hechos tan deleznables como lo es el hackeo masivo de eTurquia.


Embajador español en eGrecia.

English translation: eTurkish hacked their way through eGreece. Vote this article so admin stops them before they reach us. For more info Pm me and i tell you.


Spanish ambassador on eGreece.