Day 728, 09:16 Published in Greece Croatia by Crocky

Hello again my dear readers,

Today's article is about a wish that never came true. It is about a burning desire of a core of people that only burned their lives without ending or fulfilling it.

Yes, it is about rising and falling, it is about justice and injustice, it is about passion and reason, IT IS ABOUT A NATION WHO WANTED ENDLESS GLORY.

Just like a poor and seek child starving on the streets in a big city, this nation, one day woke up after shared the same dream in a cold and windy night. That dream was that someday , they'll become the rulers of the whole World and after they'll have robbed all small nations in their path they'll have gathered enough riches that will allow them to attack and enslave great nations that made them once to look so helpless.

So, they first refugee in a friendly country which gave them the possibility to share the streets amongst them.There, began to thrive and soon enough found out that if they still want to keep the streets for them, they have to be many more and were starting to clone themselves. Some of them were still born naturally. This way, "the dream" began to shape.

They stole war tactics, knowledge of weapons cloning, organizing issues from their fellow friend, but also made him to be scared by his "friends"'s abilities of copying things and pushed him to offer them an agreement and an alliance pact so HE can chase them back to their home.His streets were now dirty and smelly and full of posts which was the earliest forms of spam in that world.

Now, having a strong organizational base and the migration being over, the once little child who now was a teenager, started to pursue his greatest dream : TO CONQUER THE WORLD! His first step in this direction was to attack his neighbor and his greatest enemy. WHY? Something in his head told him that to be a great ruler, first you must get the glory, and in european neighborhood, his old enemy was the strongest and was the target that could provide him glory, not eternal, ephemeral but still glory. His enemy was also ruling the street of our teenager and had the best spots in the city for begging.

Back then he didn't know how to spell the word "glory" but he tasted it few months later.

THE DREAM WAS ON IT'S WAY! WHAT WAS NEXT? OUR CHILD MOVED IN ANOTHER NEIGHBORHOOD AND ATTACK SOMEONE ELSE PURSUING HIS DREAM. AND? STRATEGY HELP HIM UNTIL ONE POINT :8000 people gathered in the same mansion house waiting for the enemy to attack. USED TO THINK SMALL, THE BEGGAR STOPPED, not knowing that so wanted GLORY could be achieved only there in that fight.

From that point his dream started to spread all over the sky and eventually vanished.
All the beaten people started to hit him back until the poor child lost his brains and his old dream.

Why was it this way. It is very difficult to change your perspectives when you are looking only in one direction and for the short term. Being uncivilized and rude, the child didn't know that nations don't usualy hold glory, only some people does, but only the mightiest. Brute force, always fails, so our child ended trapped in a mental hospital where his insanity was indeed precious, not glorious but for studies like this one!

Another mistake our child has made was when he has chosen "the dream". Dreams like this one are unachievable. But if somehow are touched, the dreamer don't have for what else to live and fight for so his life ends there. If it isn't touched then the dream turns in an nightmare and the dreamer gets insane, because every loss will make him even more desperate.

This is a pamphlet! Any similarities with eWorld's history aren't fortuitous.

Thank you all for reading!

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