A Sumatra Story, a Fighter's Tale

Day 1,091, 11:00 Published in USA USA by Synesi

TC is still all a buzz with the win in Sumatra. And the stories keep coming.

Battle: Sumatra
Day 1089
Time 2300 erep
Reporting: Major Gryphon Skull

I jogged into the Training Corps battle room with about 20 minutes left in the final fight for Sumatra. I had fought in some earlier battles but was unavoidably detained for a while and was glad to see that the fight was still on. When I had left we were down 7 to 4 - slowly but surely fighting our way back.

As I stepped into the room I saw MSG Blande wearing the Battle Commander armband and asked for an update.

"Its tied 7-7 Major," he said. "The tanks are going crazy on both sides. Its Epic. LTG Morrigan Alexandros is on the TC command channel but she wasn't able to make the deployment."

I looked around the room. There were only a few hardy fighters left in the war room. Aside from MSG Blande there was Captain Synesi at the QM desk passing out food but with his rifle near by ready for action. MSGs Seriyu and Snorunt30 looked tired but determined to keep fighting until the end. Just then MSG Dougie Flare staggered in and made his way over to Captain Synesi for more food to continue the fight.

Blande and Gryphon Skull, men of action.

I was proud of these men that had fought hard all day and were still game to get back into the fight. I knew what to do to give them a little more firepower - who knows it was a tight battle maybe the six of us could make a difference amongst all the tanks.

I went to the back of the battle room and hauled out a crate of Q4 rifles. I've been saving them for special occasion and this was it. I cracked open the crate and passed them out. When everyone was locked and loaded I turned to Blande and saluted him. "We're ready to go BC - just give the order."

Blande looked up from monitoring the battle for a moment to return my salute. Just then the orders came in loud over from Jankems in USA Battle central "NOBODY STOPS FIGHTING. KEEP PUSHING. GO GO GO." Followed by LTG Morrigan's "KAMIKAZE!"

With a deafening battle cry the last remaining Training Corps warriors charged into the battle... and into a historic, epic win.

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