A proposal to the developers

Day 3,147, 19:56 Published in USA USA by Goddess Dilvany

I am writing this article today not only as a player who loves this game, but also as someone who has a job in Web Development and is currently student of Computer Science as well as Mathematics and Business. I want to use my knowledge to make a proposal that hopefully will reach the developers and can influence their future decisions. This article will serve as an introduction to my ideas and it will leave out a good chunk of implementation. It however is not my intention to create a list of demands and provide rigid implementation, but to paint you a picture of what can be.

Building off the Regions Update
A big focus of this proposal is to explore the new potential the regional based economies have given us. Think about the possibility for ongoing region vs region competition. We can create region to region economic influence and trade.

Power plant
A power plant is special region based material that can improve the productivity of your factory. If you buy electricity with in the same region it cost exactly what the producer charged for it. If you find that you can get electricity from a cheaper source there will be a transportation loss.

For example: You need 3 electricity in Washington, where you live electricity costs $5 per electricity, but you find out that in Texas you can get electricity at only $3 but do to transport loss the electricity loses 25%. The cost you will see buying electricity for your company in Washington for Texas electricity is $3 / 0.75 = $4.

"NEW" Work System
I say "NEW" because I believe that we should take the competitive aspect that is warfare and nearly clone it as a new work system. Instead of just working you would go the regional work screen and generate work points. This can be improved by increasing your education levels, using tools, leveling up, increasing your work rank. When you work you not only generate work points that are used to work, but you are placed in a group of 4 regions in competition to produce against another set of 4 region warfare style. The result of the many economy wars will be used to modify your regions productivity bonus. These economy wars will go on 24/7 and will have the power overtime to change the productivity of an area. All of this comes with new organizational structures, new government policies, and a bit of new strategy in actually developing an economy and keeping it. So lets unpack all of this.

Work Points
Instead of just working you will need to earn what is called work points. Then you can apply them to your job or manger positions. The extra work points will be able to be used to assist in upgrades(Explained more later)

Education Buildings
Like training education will be increased the same way. The best part is that for the developers it will be another method for getting gold out of the player in learning costs and upgrade costs. If it drops a good chunk of players will want to spend the gold to get a full set of Q4.

Much like weapons you will have your tools. These tools will function nearly identical to weapons. They will be given their own raw materials and Q1-Q7 Factories not much difference.

One ideal I want to float and this can be used with the Power Plant as well. Instead of just adding new raw materials why don't we reuse the existing raw materials. Tools factory and Power Plants can use a combination of the existing regional modifiers and such to derive their bonuses.

Growth as a worker
In war you have a battle rank, that gives you bonuses based on how much you have fought. In working you will have a work rank that gives bonuses in not only work points, but also working. As typical when you reach the next rank you points get a 5% bonus. If you are at rank 21 you can take advantage of the 100% bonus you just need to spend an extra work point for each 5% bonus. If you only have a few points you can use less it is just the cap on potential.

Your extra work points can be used to your rank. In addition to having your standard rank you will have another one for your holding company and your job. The job rank carries over to any job. The ranks will be the same cost and have the same, but locally stacked effects. If you upgrade one holding company you can work as a manager with those effects stacked on your normal rank, but if you want to take advantage of the benefits in another holding company or at your job you will need to upgrade those separately.

Region Competition
Regions will now be teamed up for 12 matches a day in order to not only win the most points in the match, but also get a global dominance in production. Every match will be 2 hours where a total of 1000 points are up for grabs. There is an additional pool that has 4000 points for each region distributed based on work.

When you work in a region it does not have to be where you will use your points. When you participate in a match the work output you do is what you get. The work for purposes of the global competition is 50% of the work done in local matches + 30% of the work done by employees of the region + government contribution.

For example: Jack could be a citizen of the former United Kingdom, he is employed by Dylan Thomas at Hunid Enterprise in Washington, but works in Florida because his holding company is in Florida. While his work only effects the match in Florida for global purposes. Florida gets 50% of the points, Washington get 30% of the points. The US government gets 10% of the points since Florida is controlled by the US government. The UK government gets 10% of the points since the player is a citizen of the UK.

Technology Stimulus
The points the government collects which is 20% of all the points can be used by governments to boost their existing regions. The government will have the option set policy based on where they want to spend the points.

Using your unused work points to improve your rank will also do a similar effect for the current region, but they will actually apply in an individual match.

Economies of scale
Areas that tend to have high production have high wealth. You are more productive when you have a high end economy. The points you earn in the matches and the global work allocation will show be an indication of your high end economy. So you should get a higher level of productivity. On average if all the points where split evenly each Region would have 10000 points. If a region is incompetent and has 0 points then it will have a -10% bonus. For every 1000 points you get 1% bonus.

The reason this is good is because it encourages competition and spending of resources not based on nationality, but on regional health.

This also will combat the powerful diseconomies of scale we have with pollution, but at the same time for all of the increase in production there will be tons of materials used to fight for bonuses.

Economies Spread Like a Sickness
Not only will your regions score be changed by the score you earn daily but also by how well your neighboring regions are doing. The factor is based on the average of your surrounding regions scores. Regions where the country is at war or has an embargo will have very little effect on the factor. Regions where the countries differ will have a slightly reduced effect on the factor.

Introducing this feature will work to mimic how real economic prosperity and depression work. If one day the economy starts to shrink by not getting enough work it will send ripple effects through out the area.

This also gives leaders a tough decision when it comes to bordering countries. Maybe your neighboring country is a complete piece of shit and just spreads misery and destruction. You would feel bad putting an embargo on them but if you do it will help your economy.

Economic Zones
Regions will be paired up into what is called economic zones. These zones will fight half of the daily work matches with each other. These zones will have a desire to be close to each other, but the president can set policy in an attempt to create or change economic zone. These zones will be updated weekly.

Any Questions?