A new era for India

Day 836, 02:15 Published in India India by Internal Affairs India

First of all as a matter of urgency if you have not voted yet in todays elections it is imperative that you CLICK HERE and vote for Abhi347 as the next Indian President as the other candidate is a Iranian candidate here to try and destroy India by retreating our land to our enemies.

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Internal Affairs India - Notice of Intention

Providing that all goes well in today's elections ie we manage to beat the Political Take Over (PTO) by the Iranian MAFIA then I hope to introduce many great changes as the new Minister of Internal Affairs (MOIA) for the period of March-April.

The main focus on my term will be to fully aid the Country President Abhi347 so that his targets set out in his manifesto are met in full and I plan on doing this by focusing the majority of my term on the following key aspects.....

Media Information
I will release daily articles aimed at educating, gifting and developing all of India, whether you are a new player or a more experienced citizen the IAI is here to help you and by focusing on education and gifting I hope to make citizen retaining a real possibilty and not just a dream.

Job Stability
Many Indians feel that the current working conditions in India are not satisfactory and I plan to work very closely with the new President and Minister of Finance (MOF) to ensure that all new players have access to jobs, gifting and free food whilst also ensuring the higher skilled workers have a decent paid job should the job market not provide so.

New Citizen Mentors
All new citizens to India will be contacted in person and guided on how to play the game in full, I will also ensure that every player is gifted and educated to maintain high wellness and also educated to a standard of independence.

For now I will leave the article short so we can focus on the elections so please remember vote for Abhi347 to avoid a political takeover of India.

Jai Hind