A Hippie GOP President?!?!

Day 753, 10:14 Published in USA USA by Jude Connors

Yesterday, I joined the Republican Party and immediately announced my candidacy for party president. I am sure some people (such as my foe - Brett Miller) are wondering why I would pick the Republican Party...

Republicans can rest assured that I am not trying to PTO the party and bury it. Brett Miller seems t think I am there to do that, but let me school you all on how PTOs work.

A PTOer seeks out a party with a nice bank account and NO ONE running for PTO. If my intention was to PTO the GOP and use its gold for ad dollars, I would immediately been thrown off by the mere fact that five people are running for the PP position. Instead I would PTO a party such as the IPA or the Butt Pirate Party.

Clearly, this is NOT my intention. My intention IS, however, to lead a party to the top ten (or even top five) and give a viable option to the other parties. The GOP is ranked near the Top Ten, so with good work and a nice membership drive, I believe it can reach it's potential. With three terms in Congress and working on two different presidential Cabinets, I believe I can lead the party in its future.

I am asking everyone who believes in me to vote for me as Republican Party President on PP Election Day. Help me breathe life into the GOP and make it no longer a laughing stock at the mere mention of its name! Together, we can do this!

Jude Connors
GOP PP Candidate
eAmerica's Favorite Hippie