A Game of Dominoes

Day 3,333, 21:10 Published in Japan Ireland by Galloglaigh

Japan the Military Council is failing us. For instance it took 14 days for this Legislation to be enacted. Our Country is losing citizenry, too. Sometimes as much as 8 a day. The blockade on Immigration is like a revolving door, they come and they promptly vote and go. We are in a never ending Training War with South Africa (which is under Lazocrat domination). Only the few seem to get Battle Hero Medals, I myself averaged 1 a day for a while but that won't last. On the whole the game is troublesome for new players and all we get here in Japan is Cartoon Media, nothing that will help spur growth or train the uninitiated. The welfare programs media was last published 44 days ago, there should be a republication of the article at least once a week and probably from an org account Newspaper. We need change.

Now that chickensguys retired from Party Leadership and has gone to the eUS I don't want to see anymore dated screen caps calling Jinmin Sensen "Radicals" "Dangerous" etc. I want this Country to flourish into a Democracy, not some pack of do-nothings. If you want to negotiate with me I have an open ear, but there are a few things I will not compromise on, just to let you know.

A question to our few but steadfast real life Japanese residents: What can we do to better the country?

I fancy myself (in this horribly managed game) as a Freedom Fighter these days. I try to fight for the underdog because they actually appreciate the help. During the Taiwan occupation, during the Portuguese invasion, I always wondered if the Balkans had our backs back then during those battles. Why are we so beholden to them now?

Or you can just skip this article and jerk it. See you later.