A Final Election

Day 958, 14:22 Published in USA USA by Jude Connors

Today, citizens all around the New World go to the polls in a final election to election their nation's Country President. It is the last time we do this in this incarnation of the New World. Two hours after the elections close, we will al lbe magically teleported into the new New World known as "V2" after a day of rest. It is bittersweet, to say the least.

What makes it especially bittersweet to me is the fact that today's election will be the final election EVER for a good friend of mine. I've known this person for nearly a year and have shared laughter, tears, ideas, and goals with him. He was one of the original moderators of my old IRC Office and one of my most-trusted Advisors - not only as USWP President but with my eLife in general. He is one of my closest friends in the New World. He is Disdick.

Last night, Disdick came over all to secure his second Battle Hero medal. Disdick then slid into the tight orafice of the USWP Executive Board IRC Chat channel to tell me he was leaving the New World. I wrapped my hands around Disdick and stroked Disdick lovingly. I really hate to lose another close friend. I wondered to myself, "How much fun will this be without Disdick? Can I still feel pleasure without Disdick? How can I penetrate the world without Disdick?"

Disdick has been a stable in the USWP much longer than I have been, and I assure you that both men and women will miss Disdick. He was also a valued asset to the US military and I am sure they will miss Disdick's rock-hard, thick, solid frame. I can tell you from experience... NOTHING knocks busts down walls like Disdick. Disdick is a rock - and as far as I can recall - Disdick has had Field Marshall strength.

Disdick saluted me many mornings and today, I salute you, my friend. From PAC to Congress to military... Disdick has been in it all! I am a Field Marshall today because of Disdick and I will forever be a friend and fan of Disdick, just as many of you are fans of Disdick. To be honest, I kinda feel like less of a man already without Disdick. In fact, I will go on record here saying that I ♥ Disdick... and I am sure that others ♥ Disdick, as well.

So if U ♥ Disdick, join with me in wishing him success in the future.

Enjoy life, Friend... You know where we are if you want to return!

Till next time...
Take A Sad Song...
And Make It Better...