A Disturbance (Not election related)

Day 796, 13:49 Published in Ireland Ireland by orangejuicemmm
A Disturbance.

So as the title suggests there is a disturbance in Ireland. Even some if not more of the less active players in Ireland have noticed this. Which I find quite amusing. We see an increase in younger player activity when problems occur in our society i.e. their not doing as well as they were. I never see some of these players around before, contributing, working for a better Ireland, only when it suits or more doesn’t suit do they decide to pop their head out of the sand long enough to explain what’s wrong and what we should do.

This isn’t specifically aimed at young players more those who have been around quite long and still have the arrogance and ignorance to tell us what we are doing wrong.

Now for my rant, so you think you know what’s best for eIreland? You think you know how to fix it? If you were in anyway active or intelligent you would not be spouting random problems eIrish society is facing at the moment because let me assure you we know. We aren’t oblivious to the fact we are stuck between two super powers (im counting UK as a super power) who are at each others throats, We do know that MPP’s will give us war and yes believe it or not we do know how to run this country.

We have some of THE most intelligent and capable people all around eRepublik here in eIreland, this is obvious from our ability to turn a 6 region, medium Iron country into quite the successful country. We have done this through hard work from many of people up through the generations. Unfortunately one aspect of this game has been overlooked and that has been the very fact that it is a GAME. I feel too much effort and time has been put into eIreland that we are now too afraid to lose it and in my opinion too afraid to USE it. This Game like all other games (except jumanji) as many of you know does not affect us in RL (the important thing). We should be having fun, we should be enjoying this game but recently all I see is fighting, arguing and boredom. Even some of our own Ex-Presidents believe this. Most of which have put huge amounts of time and effort into this game.

If we cannot enjoy this game is there much point playing? If we cannot get more excitement out of hitting a wall day in day out, on time and at the same time, everyday. We need some excitement we need to be able to feel secure with attacks from both us and our enemy at random unspecified times (publically anyway)

Also, we unfortunately have seemed to have lost a lot of our unity as a country. Everywhere I look there are people arguing their OPINION, their view on what is right and what is wrong. We have forgotten what it is like to be a country, a whole individual country again. Fighting, working for Ireland OUR country.

There is a bug in eRepublik at the moment where people’s shouts are showing up from months ago and looking through a couple it seems a year, several months we were still arguing and fighting. What is wrong with us?

We are the fighting Irish at the moment with out the fighting part. It may be just a slang name but we got it for a reason, lets live up to that reason. No more senseless bickering over which alliance we should join, no more arguing to the point were we detest our fellow Irish men and woman. That’s not our way and that shouldn’t be our way.

Not too bring RL politics social views into this but lets be reasonable here the do and always have contributed/effected to some of our decisions. Ireland, to bring some RL figures into this but it affects quite a lot. Between 1820 and 1860 5 million immigrants left to the USA, those 5 million people had children and they had children. That’s millions and millions of Irish blood people living, working and fighting for the US, even the US’s own president has relations from Ireland. Let’s face the US and the eIrish are very social intertwined.

Now the UK, yes they may of oppressed us for “700 years” but you don’t get run, lead and owned (I suppose) without gaining an attachment, yes from a young age we have been thought or brought up to hate or dislike the English. Even in simple kidnapping cases the victim still grows an attachment to their captivators (Stockholm syndrome); some figures, around 850,000 people in Britain were born in Ireland and much of the working class has some Irish heritage an estimated 80 million people have an Irish connection throughout the world. We have a strong attachment to the UK also whether you like or hate it, its there.

Now, What to do? So give or take a couple thousand 6 million direct Irish left The Fair isle for greener fields the two largest to my knowledge where both the UK and US so thus we have the strongest connections to both these. So why can’t it be the same in eRepublik? We don’t need Alliances like Phoenix or Eden, we need each other, as sort of Alliance if you will but I don’t like that word very much, it would be more of a coalition except on a country scale. We begin talks with the US, UK. We recognise and address their problems with each other and just get over it. Just build a bridge and get over it. Join together like we should be and hell who knows take over the eWorld 😉 neither UK or US are afraid of a bit of conflict so a real war wouldn’t be impossible, would end a lot of boredom and separation in the western world (Canada is also welcome and who knows even some other countries).

Back in the day eIreland held MPP’s with BOTH the US and UK unfortunately the cost was too much but we have the money now, this is possible.

Benefits, lets be frank the advantages out weigh the disadvantages two fold.
• Only Canada can invade us.
• 24/7 war, i.e. End of boredom and IDF activity and much needed practice is possible
• Huge economical advantages, like Gun companies will sell which will hopefully end our overproduction problem.
• Iron companies will also make more sales.
• We keep our international neutrality.
• The never ending Alliance question which has caused so much segregation in Ireland is eliminated

Do not be afraid to take a risk.

My own little slogan

We have lost our way; we need to find it again. PUSH THE BIG RED BUTTON.