A Discussion Piece: Training War with ePeru

Day 3,735, 19:29 Published in Ireland United Kingdom by Rusty D

Greetings eIreland,

For the past month, eIreland and ePeru have been having a training war. Depending on who you speak to from cabinet, this training war could either be a forced one or a friendly one. But as per the agreement signed by cabinet (there was no congress at the time), this agreement was meant to be reviewed today.

This training war agreement was brought up by a congress member 5 days ago, whilst discussion was initially accepted, it was shortly shot down and ended up being brushed off the table. So since the lack of willingness for cabinet to allow congress to discuss it, I have decided to bring it here, to the Irish public (since it effects them and not just congress/cabinet), so they can think about it and raise it with their chosen congress members.


30 days ago, our CP Ethel and her cabinet announced an agreement had been signed with ePeru to turn their occupation of eIreland into a Training War. This agreement can be found here, where you can see the main points are:

- Ireland keeps Mayo, Cork and Shannon (whilst this has occasionally not happened due to apparent 'game mechanics', for the best part they have done it)

- Ireland to win RW's

- Peru to win Direct Battles

- Reviewed in 30 days.

This agreement was made when eIreland had no official congress, just a group PM that Ethel had created to "I believe that the voices of this community are important, so important that I felt it necessary to put together a "congress" from the top five parties". And as such, it was signed and agreed upon by the CP and her Cabinet.

Current Pro's

Those who believe this Training War is a God send to eIreland, speak about the virtues it brings us, the people of eIreland. Some of these can be seen as a positive to all of eIreland, some items can be seen as a positive to the few in eIreland, whilst others might look at it and think we could aim for more (if it is actually a friendly TW).

Some of the positives that have been spoken about are:

Battle Hero Medals:

- National, This is a positive for the nation, since eRep has for longer then a year now, decided that it is only fair to tax your efforts on the battle field and your expenditure of the tanks to do it.

- Player, On a player level, it is not as positive. Yes for the D4 tanks, they get their shiny medal and some money, for the Maverick Pack players, they have the ability to jump to a lower div and get an easy BH (something that is effecting all battles and not just TW's). This can be seen by looking at the current lower div BH winners in the current RW.

Sky Hero Medals:

- National, Pretty much the same as the BH.

- Player, Pretty much the same as the BH but harder. Since you are now not just fighting against people with Mav Pack, but against everyone.

True Patriot Medals:

- National, the same as above, the country can gain income based on the awarding of this medal to the fighter.

- Player, this here is a positive for the player. It allows and player from any rank to earn their TP points and slowly progress in their damage for eIreland and be rewarded. However this is something can be done against any nation that eIreland has a war with, be it a TW or a Real War.


- National, Well it depends on which side of the fence you sit on. The TW allows for 3 regions, which works out to be 30 seats in congress. It is good to see that this will allow for a democratic decision making process, but as one cabinet member has recently reported it has hard for people to pass laws (even if the majority dont think it is good for the nation).

- Player, It allows players to gain their congress medal, gives them a voice and a vote to be heard. The down side is many sit quietly by and only vote. Whether they are too afraid to speak up or are just their for the financial aspect and vote according to party lines, it is unknown.

Not being wipe😛

- National, this can be a double edge sword. Whilst not being wiped allows for congress, if eIreland was wiped, it provides the nation with larger bonuses (since we adopt Peru's bonuses). The down side is the taxes collected goes directly to Peru (currently only some of it does, but more about that later), as well as being clear that it is a foe that is in our neighbourhood and not wondering if they are a foe or friend. So positives and negatives can be seen on either side of the 'not being wiped' from a nation view point.

- Player, same here, it has its positives and negatives. Producers with holding companies in eIreland (or wiped eIreland) will gain from the bonuses of the occupier, as long as their is no NE (being wiped, their wouldnt be one). This will allow them to generate more produce. As well as having a reason to fight, to fight a good fight to free their nation. The downside is, the government would not have anyone who could question them and can pretty much run like a dictatorship if they so desire.

Current Negatives

If this was an agreed upon and happy Training War, we could still be looking for a better deal for our small nation. As well as a better agreement that allows us to ensure we can assist allies where they need it as well as function as an independent nation with out fear of stepping on egg shells.

A few things that would be good to see in a reviewed TW agreement, if it is a mutual agreement would be:

Taxes Back:
Taxes back would generate some much needed extra income for the nation that is apparently near broke. Currently based on daily avg ePeru is set to make 30k+ from eIrish taxes. With Peru on avg making 250k+ a month, they surely dont need our small 30k. Normally Taxes Back is apart of any agreed upon TW agreement.

MPP Clause:
eIreland currently shares quite a few MPPs with nations that ePeru might consider hostile. What would happen if eIreland tanked (lets just imagine we could do some decent damage), how would that effect the TW agreement? If eIreland via one of it's MPPs came directly into conflict with ePeru or one of her MPP partners, will this sour the agreement?

A lot of TW agreements have this spoken about in it. Especially when the two nations are on the opposite sides of alliances.

One thing that has many people worried, is the fact no one is quite clear on if this is actually a friendly TW or not. Whilst assurances are not really worth any more then the paper they are written on, the fact many think that eIreland has been 'forced' into this TW can play on the mind of any government actions on the international scene.

If he eIreland was to cancel the deal, now the 30 day time limit is here, would ePeru pack their bags and fly home? would this allow for a better understanding and mutual respect between the two nations? or would they send their tanks into the capital or get one of their friends to do it for them?

These things would play on any government mind as well as congress members mind when voting on particular actions.

Forced TW

Whilst the above is looking at it in a friendly TW scenario, we need to also be honest and look at it as a forced TW. If that is the case, we first need the government to bite the bullet and actually admit that it is a forced TW and all we are is a toy being played with by a cat.

From there, as a united country, we can explore the possibilities of trying to fight for our freedom, rather then pretending that it is not happening. Yes it would be long and costly to battle our way out from a far much superior force, but the government cant really expect the Irish citizenship to just ignore the elephant in the room and go on with their business, pretending that everything is normal.


Whilst this one article will not solve the current issue, it will hopefully bring to the discussion table the fact that an agreement that congress/Ireland has not had any input on, can be discussed before it is reviewed by both nations. The points highlighted are some of the ones that I have noticed. You as an Irish citizen might of noticed something else or want to ask about one or another aspect. Please feel free to do it. If you dont feel comfortable here, then PM your congress member and get them to raise it in congress, where hopefully the CP and cabinet will actually allow it to be discussed.

In the meantime, enjoy the current VP comp, with energy give aways. After all life goes on even with an elephant in the room....

Thanking you,
Rusty D