A Call to the Left

Day 1,772, 08:59 Published in Netherlands Ireland by The Irish William Wallace

To all my fellow citizens of eNetherlands, to all those who dream of a better e-nation tomorrow. We are a small country compared to many others, which brings me to my point. We need to centralize and work together, strengthen the State which in turn strengthens each one of us. Not only must be centralize, but democratize. Socialism without freedom is just as tyrannical or perhaps sometimes even more tyrannical than capitalism.

Together as one, as the State, we can become a force to be reckoned with. We can muster the strength, will power, efficiency, and solidarity to bring us every conceivable advantage we could imagine. This is a game, we need to think strategically. Individuals matter in the party, individuals act as rogues outside it. A player can become inactive, but the Party can forever exist and function.

If you believe in democracy, freedom, stability, fairness, action, and bettering the game for all then join the Dutch Socialist Party today! The Left must unite in eNL. Today we are few, tomorrow we shall be many...

Written sincerely,
Party Leader & Comrade MikeBane