A 420 Day Announcement

Day 882, 08:19 Published in USA USA by Jude Connors

On what is by far the BIGGEST holiday for eAmerica's Favorite Hippie... I wanted to wish everyone a "HAPPY 420 Day"!

Also, I want to announce my intentions to run for Congressman in the State of California. I am currently seeking the nomination of the UIP and would like other parties to endorse my election bid as well.

Yes. Most people know my qualifications, but here we go...

1. Three Time US Congressman
2 Two Time Party President
3. former US Secretary of the Interior
4. former Lt. Col. in the US Army
5. other misc Cabinet appointments

Check my wikipage or contact me for more information. Wiki: http://tinyurl.com/y84nuzb

Till Next Time
Take A Sad Song...
And Make It Better!

Jude Connors