3 things: New presidents, Ukranian attack, MMMM action

Day 838, 05:57 Published in Ukraine France by Entente Cordiale
1.President elections - results
I want to announce the results of the latest presidential results, who are the presidents of entente countries? 🙂
French new president Azaret who won with 502 votes.(41.42😵

Italian new president Citizen Cane who won with 314 votes.(50.08😵

Ukranian new president Alexander II The Great who won with 636 votes.(60.34😵

Paraguayan new president wil gamarra who won with 115 votes.(48.73😵

Mexican new president DABRAS who won with 133 votes.(32.6😵

2.Hacked Ukranian ex president and the attack on Russia

I write this article to call everyone to stop hacking and cheating other peoples accounts. Some men work hard to maintain the well of their community. So out of respect for other players whether they are your friends or enemies, show some playing spirit.
It maybe hard for you to achieve something here, get many gold and so on.
Also i call everyone to support no cheat and hack zone, we don't need situations which make us in the hard positions in eWorld. I talk about citizen Alexis M. Pasichny who worked so much only that somebody took his profile to make a big mess activating so much MPPs and endangering the one country later.
I call on peace with the all countries which Ukraine activated the MPPs to restore the things how they were to show that we respect fair play.
I publish this in Ukraine to show that we are against this kind of unfairness that some people cause.

3.MMMM action and call to togetherness

Also i call people to subscribe newspapers to help rebuild eFrance, few clicks great help so subscribe newspapers in this MMMM action

Also i would like to say to people of entente to spend some time on other IRC chats
#erepublik server epiknet (French)
#erepublik-it server rizon (italian)
#canal_oficial_mexico server rizon (mexican)
#eparaguayos server rizon (paraguayan)

PS i call ukranians to build oficial chat room on IRC where people could come(army channel i dont count 🙂 )