(YUUVA)Thank you and Cabinet

Day 2,003, 18:35 Published in India India by Maxi Tippkick Maximillian

Well hello everyone Parth here.I have awesome news.I have won the YUUVA party president election.I would like to thank DonMogul for supporting me and his father for buying him those Grand Prix tickets which gave me the opportunity to become PP.Here are some projects I want to start but for that I need to organize a cabinet.Srinjoy Sarkar is already part of my cabinet.
Here are the positions:

Vice President😒rinjoy Sarkar
You will be my second in command and my most trusted advisor
Secretary General: open
Your job will be to organize the projects established
Your job will be to communicate the ideas of the cabinet to eIndian and CoT leaders.You will have to be able to speak fluent English to apply for this post.
Promoted members(3)😮pen
Your job will be to vote on cabinet referendum and give proposals to improve the party.

So if you want to become a cabinet member just pm me.If there are many applies I will chose the best one and I will make the other one a promoted member.
Jai Hind

Your Firelord Parth