(YUUVA)(PP)First order of business

Day 2,004, 12:32 Published in India India by Maxi Tippkick Maximillian

Well hello everyone Parth here.I am here with the first proposal for YUUVA as a PP.I haven't been able to organize a cabinet because some people are on vacation and some have not yet responded.So this will be a referendum for the YUUVA congress.

I propose that we begin a YUUVA commune.
The way this commune will work is that it will be funded by the monthly YUUVA fundraiser.All the profit will be given to the eIndian National bank.
This proposal benefits both the government of eIndia and the eIndian citizens that it stands for.

This is only my opinion congressman so feel free to disagree.If you have any other plans please suggest them to me.I will try to respond to all of them.
Jai Hind

Your Firelord Parth