[VP] Not Running, Who wants to be Pres?

Day 1,381, 21:53 Published in Ireland Canada by irishbhoy1967
Not Running
Myself, Padraig and Chewie will not be running for office again next term. For the past month there has at any given time been at least 1 of us online and more often than not the 3 of us were here, awake until ridiculous hours of the nights/mornings monitoring battles, organising strikes, gathering support and many other things besides. It's been tiring. Working for e-Ireland is not something we will complain about though. The most tiring part of this month was the constant bitching from inside e-Ireland from some quarters who claimed to have the best interests of the community at heart. None of these people will ever step up and do any real work themselves. It's not a part of how they operate. However, there are others who do want to work for Ireland.

So to all Presidential Candidates:
You have a chance in the comments section or however else you see fit to convince us(and perhaps others) why you should be given the thankless job of next Irish President. Whoever(or whoever's supporters) makes the best argument will get the in-game nomination of the Nationalist Party, no-strings attached.

Quick recap on the term
Ireland kicks Poland out of North America. Contrary to what some might have you believe, the majority of the influence in these battles came from Irish citizens, not allies. In the term previous to this one, Ireland also attacked Poland, a battle that Ireland at the time intentionally lost. However during that battle we noticed that if Poland were stretched at all then they would be beatable in battles for these regions. When James proposed the NE on Poland, we were prepared to fight and win there. This move won us many friends. Friends we need.

What you mean you moved Ireland? Why?

Cos we can

Whole island under Irish control?

Yea and some of the other, less attractive island too

You gotta be kiddin me

No it's not Photoshopped

In the terms previous to this, Ireland (imo) concentrated too much on Resistance Wars and just accepted defeat in the Nat Enemy battles Vs the UK. This was a mistake. Direct battles should for the most part be the priority. To win these you need a few things. Firstly, a stack of MPPs comparable to your enemy. We went about beefing that up as soon as the election was over. Secondly it helps to hold the battles at a time that is favourable to you and your allies. Thirdly, a stash of weapons that can be given to the strongest foreign soldiers during the most important battles. A Romper and Argrob are useful things to have around as well (Protip: You get those when your not a backstabbing country) All this(and other stuff) took us all the way to London, and if the UK refuse Peace, there is no reason why Ireland(the future administration) should not aim to do that again if we stick to the same tactics.

Your efforts at splitting the country fail as badly as an ashtray on a motorbike?

Don't cry SHM ;_;

Personally I'll still fight as much as I can for Ireland and help how I can but...
It's been a blast e-Ireland, time for a break 🙂

PS Thanks to

Everyone who fought for Ireland
Everyone who helped Ireland
Ban Josip Jelacic II
All of Croatia
Roger Griswald
Francois Pignon
Bic deWille & ASSEGAI

And huge thanks to all the Irish citizens who helped in so many different ways throughout the term. Everyone played their part, and yes I mean everyone whether we are friends or not. And also to the MUs: IA, ICA, Libertad, IRA, Labours Army.

To be completely honest, I hate starting these thank you lists as someone almost always get's left out. So if anyone has been overlooked, shout at me and will add to list.