[VP]Dreamer, Rebel, Uniting force?

Day 2,005, 14:52 Published in South Africa Canada by Cody Caine

Intro and Article Music
This article is a combination of a VP statement, and a mini campaign, thrown together with some music. Listen to One, or Listen to all 3 whatever gets you going for reading.

Bad Company
Better Days
I Dream, Day Dream at least of serving as the Country President of South Africa, I like a challenge, and I might just be a little super insane for wanting the job. I dream like a TV show angel dreams of peace in Heaven, but hoping not to go megalomania in the process of the goal, I dream like RFK dreamed of a better country, I dream these dreams, probably because I sleep to much, but because I have always felt that doing what is right is what we will be judged by in the end, and not for doing what was easy.

To the other dreamers of South Africa, tell me what do you dream of for our country?
The Rebel without a cause
I heard that plenty in highschool from my history teacher, it is what she said I was for many years, until one day she told me I'd found my cause. Perhaps that cause is fighting for what I believe in no matter what, perhaps it was something simpler, I never asked.

In my time in eRep I founded the Revolutionary Party, brought forth the Revolutionary Army, write the Revolutionary Times, I could be a marketing master, or at least one heck of a brand maker.

It may not always be clear, and it is certainly not always respected, but for those who've been inspired by it, or brought into it, the most diehard supporters stand by it, Kooguy continues the tradition in the USA, which would not have been possible had Morningblur not held the party for months never complaining, steadfast in loyalty to its cause.

In Australia, Molly Jo who helped pay for the original Revolutionary Party by contributing gold for the start up fee, has brought for the Australian Revolutionary Party, which has experienced success down under. Taking it from Four members to seeing it rise to the second ranked party.

I myself in neither country, came back to South Africa very much feeling my time in the game had come to its end, feeling to return to a place I enjoyed to eDie, but here I am months later, with -RISE- transitioned to the South African Gold Party, it experiencing a near collapse and then rising up again now ranked 3rd.

I am now the Vice President of South Africa, but it changes nothing, for if I have to be honest, I am disappointed with our government, I am disappointed in what I've seen from our President. I don't know everything about what is going on in our government, but what I do know is I've been thrust into negotiations I didn't want part in based on my own personal stance on the issue at hand, issues our President should have been handling as he was part of the original negotiations where I was just a citizen during them. Personally I feel our Presidents communication skills are lacking, as the only time he has communicated with me the Vice President is when he wants me to post for him on the forum.

For others in South Africa who feel they want to Rebel, or bring Revolution I say count me in, but do it in a legal manner, extremism accomplishes nothing, but painting targets on yourself and others.
Uniting Force
This one is tricky, because I know the argument against the notion well enough. I have a temper, I have an ego, I sometimes misunderstand what is said, or the motives of things. Various RTP people will say I try to cut them off from being apart of the community, when really they do that to themselves because they don't want to work with others, they just want self gratification, there leadership lacks a sense of humor and even a lack of common sense. If you wonder why I say this, it is simple, Leon started his path off a joke written by Kooguy to Leon. And as I said, No sense of humor, so Leon instantly took it as a personal battle, and has since started a threat against the nation. The lack of common sense comes right there as well, they seem to believe if they are not given what they want, they are being targeted and there for must attack to get it. Leon has often written that people are racist against him and his friends for being Turkish in life. Firstly Turkish is not a race it is a nationality, the proper term is prejudice, and secondly while making these claims, Leon does what he says is done to him toward others, thus his hypocrisy. Leon and his friends lack common sense; they lack the ability to comprehend the difference between what is true and what they believe to be true.

All that aside as it tends to have nothing to do with unity but saying what my detractors have against me, since Leon started his battle, I have found members of the "National Party" to be far more reasonable, they have sought out to help the country, they gave up their own ranking in last month’s congressional election to ensure that SAGP and DB were allowed to have congressional runs, asking for nothing in return, and in good faith. In these actions and in communications with me, those I have spoken with have been reasonable and understand it is in their best interest to work with South Africa, rather than against its populace, to run their own party, rather than threaten others out of fear or greed, as RTP members have done with shady attempts at PP positions both carried out and backed down from after pressured.

So to unity, oh I certainly believe in it, but will only work to unite those who truly want to be united for the best interests of South Africa. The greedy need not apply.
To All eSouth Africans
If you are willing to share your dream, a story of your inner rebel, or how you feel about unity, write a response article, or comment below
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My Primary Opponent in Junes Election.

Brief Statements from the Australian Chief of Staff.

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If you some how managed to read that wall of text, or even if you didn't;