[VOTE] Admins helps eRomania - again? Hail for the new factory rules!

Day 1,093, 23:51 Published in Hungary Hungary by Kmerse

If you think about it a while, you can't be surprised. The latest actions of the admins meant great help for eRomania: Activating all of the MPPs in all wars, changing the hospital-rule, migrating the stregth - this all helped them.

Still, EDEN forces barely could defeat Phoenix. In the epic war they spent hundreds of thousands of RONs, Euros, HRKs, USDs etc. to buy gold. Lucky admins... I wonder, how many Ferraris could they buy from that money...? I'm sure it's more than one, this was one of the main goals after all 😉

But after eRomania achieved its main goals, I thought they won't need any more help from the administrators, but I was wrong again. eRomania gained high regions and conquered eHungary, so everything seemed to be fine - except that the Hungarian Resistance started to bother them. The Resistance forces applied the best jobs in eRomania and worked with low wellness. They got the money and barely produced anything.

Or did they? Because there were examples, when a player with one day difference (which means, with the same level) worked in a Hungarian (with high) then in a Romanian (with low) Q5 factory. And where do you think he produced more? In the Romanian factory, with about 50%! Maybe this is the answer for the success of the Romanian industry? An unknown bonus factor for the Romanina compannies?

Of course this didn't happened in all of the cases, maybe it was only a bug (a very interesting one) in the system. Most of the Resistance followed the usual path, and produced great losses to the Romanian factories. Tragedy! And this was the point when the admins decided to help eRomania once more:

Here are the new rules for production:

- New production formula, one person can produce more than before
- No minimal ideal number of workers, factories won't get produciton malus if they don't have enough workers
- Factories still get production malus if they have too many workers
These rules are clearly for supporting the occupying forces and make the life of the resistances harder. The factories can work without loss, even if they have only one worker, while the offers for jobs will fall drastically.

What a coincidence that this rule was applied right now, isn't it?

Vive la Resistance!